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My mind is exploding with the need to know what's going on. Stepping into the dark room in my apartment, my eyes meet the tired ones of the man I attacked in the forest. He doesn't say anything when I approach him and it humors me slightly, he never thought I'd be there and hear him talk about me and the warrant that is out for me. 

I killed the guy who was against the whole idea of going against the mafia and Xavier, being left with the one who instigated the conversation with me as a topic. 

"Sleep well?" I ask him simply, opening a suitcase in the corner and grabbing a knife. 

"Fuck you," He spits at me and I smirk at the answer, deciding to grab the corkscrew as well. Just in case. "What the hell do you want from me? You killed my friend and I woke up in here, tell me what you want and let me go!"


"What's so funny?" His harsh voice speaks. 

"How you truly believe you have a say in the matter," I smirk at him and tap my lip twice with the corkscrew. His eyes zero in on the tool and they widen in seconds. 

"What do you think you're doing?" His panicked voice speaks, he pulls against the chains that are currently restraining him. 

"Must be tiresome," I tell him and decide to elaborate before he has the chance to answer. "Not being able to break free from the chains, are you frustrated yet?"

"You're despicable," He spits, the grimace on his face humors me. 

"And I find you repulsive, now that's out of the way. Should we get down to business?" Taking a step closer to him he tenses in his seat, the chair helping me in restricting his hands to the armrest. "I love getting straight to the point. Is there anything you'd like to tell me?"

"I have nothing to say."

Smirking, "That's what I hoped you'd say."

"What do you want from me?" He screeches. 

"Tell me who you are, who you're loyal to, tell me what your plans were with your little dead predator friend. Tell me all the things, darling," I say to him and drive the knife down his chest, ruining his shirt and drawing a little blood. He hisses in pain and I pout in mockery, "Such a shame to ruin your delicate skin."

"I'm loyal to the Italian mafia, Xavier Romano," His shaky voice delivers. I already knew this, but at least he's willing to tell me some stuff. I nod and urge for him to keep going, "My name is David Matthews."

"While you come up with loads of excuses for why you're searching for Eloisa Martinelli, I'll leave the room and give you some time to truly think about your answer," I say to him and leave with the corkscrew in hand. 

If he decides to spite me, I'll use it against him. 

Grabbing my phone, I deliver a call to the security at Xavier's mansion. Rocco was great and managed to hack into their system enough to grab this number, but they managed to kick him out after that and his entire computer shut down. Fucking mafia.  

The line picks up and a gruff voice speaks, "Who's this?"

"Martinelli," I say and can only imagine the pure shock he must feel, my heart is easy at the thought of me calling from a burner phone. None of them will be able to track me. "Tell your boss I want to talk to him."

The line goes silent before beeping sounds again, he already forwarded me?

"Romano," He barks and my mouth runs dry at the sound of his familiar voice. 

"Hey, stranger," I say to him, disregarding the last time we saw each other completely. 

"Eloisa," He breathes, my name falling from his lips does things to me. I hate myself for feeling this way. "Why are you calling me?"

"The real question is; why did you allow your guards to forward my calls to you?"

"Because I knew you'd come running to me," He speaks confidently. 

My scoff is dark and sinister, "Then you're wrong, Xavier. I was simply calling to propose something."

"Which is?"

"Do you know David Matthews?" I ask him and the silence is enough answer. 

"What are you up to now?" He says with such annoyance it has me slightly humored. 

"You didn't answer the question."

"And you don't answer any of mine."

"Touché," I state with a shrug. 

"Do you have David Matthews in your torture room?" His question is simple. 

"Indeed," I say. 

"How did you manage to do that?"

"I won't be the bearer of bad news, and I surely will not help you with anything in regards to your mafia. But I suggest you find better members, it must be tough to deal with disloyalty in the city. That's the perk of being all alone in this world of murderers," My voice carries through the phone and I know he must be thinking about what I just told him. I don't fucking know why I'm helping him either, but I feel compelled to tell him this before I kill his buddy. "Hey, how did you know I have a torture room?"

"Because you're the epitome of insanity. It wouldn't be right if you didn't," The humor on his voice provokes a smile on my lips. "You know, this weird thing between us is fucking with my priorities. You have managed to physically hurt me more than anyone else ever has, while surviving, that is."

"You did promise to kill me."

"I did no such thing."

"You did, with an indirect vibe," I explain to him.



"I have a vibe?"

"You think you don't?"

"I don't know."

"Shouldn't you be the most dangerous mafia leader?" I ask him. 

"That's what they say," He answers simply. 

"You don't believe them then?"

"I do, I'm lethal and I simply don't care about human lives. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the great things in life," His explanation makes sense, because that's exactly what I feel on the daily. "Why are you calling me, Eloisa?"

"I found myself wanting to warn you about the lack of loyalty," I tell him honestly. "Oh, and I killed the little friend of David's as well. Sorry about that."

"You killed yet another one of my men?"

"Only a little bit."

"Why the fuck am I still allowing you to live?" He asks himself out loud and the question has me feeling things. He must be in a battle with himself. If what he said that night was true, then he finds me intriguing and I guess that's enough to allow me to live. 

"I have no clue," I say with slight humor on my voice. "I'll leave myself to it, don't expect him home by dinner. Or ever, really. Sleep tight, Xavier."

"Bye, amore," He breathes and I hang up on the phone. 

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