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Smiling over the whiskey glass that grazes my lips, I see the man shocked that I looked his way. He nods his head once and climbs onto the stool next to mine, the bar is crowded and I find myself needy. I need a good fuck. His big hands are rather promising and the smile on his lips contradicts it. 

"Hey," Stranger says, his voice decently dark, although not as alluring as Xavier's. 

What the actual fuck?

There shouldn't be a comparison! Xavier shouldn't even be entering my mind, especially not in this setting.

Shaking my head slightly I stare at the man next to me, "Hi."

"Will I get the pleasure of knowing your name?" He questions, a smirk dances on his lips. 

"I'll allow you pleasure now, if you allow me some later," My dark eyes carry his stare; he seems shocked by my words. "My name is Sophia, and yours?"

"Alexander," He doesn't seem to pick up on my lie and I relax in my seat, he is gullible and I need his attention for the night. There is a reason for me dressing up and going to the club after all. My body craves some attention. "Are you here all alone?"

"I guess you could say that," I shrug my shoulders, taking another sip of the whiskey in my hand. 

"The whiskey type of woman then?"

"I actually love anything bourbon. You can never go wrong with a glass of bourbon," My voice takes on an alluring edge and I smile up at him. Staring at the empty glass in his hand, "What about you?"

"Beer, mostly."

"Classy," My voice says before I can control myself. 

"You want to be an ass already? We haven't even slept together yet," His voice is frustrated, the emotion doesn't suit him and I roll my eyes. 

"Then let's go to the back and get it over with," My proposition seems to work and he grabs my hand, guiding me to the back of the club. On our way there we pass a table where a very familiar blond man steps in front of me, I'm shocked to see him here and alive at that. The other time at the club didn't really give me the feeling that he had survived the shooting. 

"Hey, Eloisa," He says with an easy smile, those familiar lips I made out with that specific night. 

Alexander steps closer to me and frowns at Marc, "You have the wrong woman. Her name isn't Eloisa."

"I could never forget such a face," He states in finality.

Turning towards Alexander I pull my hand from his grip, "We should find another time to entertain each other."

He frowns at my words, "What the hell? You can't just lead me on and then pull from this."

"Oh, but I just did," My words are cold, he should probably stop before I grow angry. My night hasn't been the best and he was simply an easy fuck for me. "You can leave now, Alexander. Have a pleasurable night."

His frown turns to a glare, "Enjoy the sight of me pulling another chick later, bitch."

"What are you implying?" I tilt my head to the side, my fingers twitch. 

"I'll love to watch you regret this decision, I'll smell the jealousy in the air."

"Darling," I scoff and grip that one weak spot on his hand, applying pressure and he whimpers in instant pain. If I place more pressure he will pass out in my grip, but I remind myself of Marc standing here and staring at the interaction. "Bless your delusional little heart."

He pulls his hand from my forceful grip and leaves us, the sight of pain on his face has me hungry for more. I need to control myself. 

Turning towards Marc I nod my head at him, he shakes his own at me with a small laugh, "You're insane, how did you know that trick?"

"Self defense classes from the age of 15, they pay off," My answer is good enough and he crosses his arms across his chest. 

"You want to join me tonight? I have a VIP room in the back with some of my friends," The offer seems tempting and I nod at him.

Not wasting a second, he guides me down a secluded hallway, opening a door to a dark room. My eyes adjust to the darkness and I still have a hard time spotting people in here, there must be at least eight people in here. I think. The music blasts through the speakers and the leather couch is surrounding the private VIP room. 

"You must be disgustingly rich, Marc," I tell him. 

"You have no idea," He states and pushes me onto the leather couch next to him. He offers me a shot of tequila and I accept instantly, downing the shot and then having three more. The goal is to feel slightly buzzed, if not completely drunk, tonight. "Can you see fucking shit in here? My eyes can't sense anything in this room and I can't hear over the music."

I smile lightly, "You sound like a grandpa."

"Thanks, dude," He laughs. 

"Dude-zoned then?" I ask him. 

No part of me wanted to get it on with him tonight, but I do actually enjoy his company. He reminds me a little of Rocco. Their charismas are very alike and the thought surprises me slightly, I never open my mind to the idea of having any other in my close circle of people. 

"Yeah," He says. "I may have found myself a girl and I don't want to mess it up. That's a bad habit of mine."

"To mess it up?"

"Indeed," There is a sliver of frustration on his voice. "I don't want to settle for a good lay anymore though, there is more out there and this girl truly offers me something. Fuck, I sound like the biggest simp, how pathetic."

"Don't worry about it," I say instantly. "She does sound special. Is she here tonight then? Maybe your new 'dude' could meet this enigma."

"She will stop by in a couple of minutes, I was actually about to get her when I spotted you. I should go out there again and help her with the way in here," He sounds slightly nervous and I realize that this girl truly means something special to him. 

I nod my head as he leaves me and slams the door in my face. My eyes try to scan out the room, the darkness makes it truly difficult and I settle on downing yet another round of tequila shots. My throat welcomes the burning and I lean against the couch, allowing the beat of the music to dictate how my heart is beating. 

A presence suddenly sits down next to me and I shoot up in my seat at the sight; the two black pools stare intensely at me, my skin is on fire instantly and every memory of our kiss returns. 

This can't be fucking right, not in here.

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