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// Super short, I'm sorry!! But pls check out my Harry Potter story and my Iron Man story!


Carlisle leans on the balcony, his head hanging low. He knows when someone walks up behind him but he doesn't move. "Yes?" He says quietly.

"You have to stop beating yourself up." Edward says softly.

Carlisle laughs coldly and sighs, straightening up. "Very rich coming from you, son."

Edward smiles a little. "I know. But this literally isn't in any way your fault."

"If I'd loved her enough she'd never have left -"

"Not true. She knows how much you love her, she knows how much she means to you. And that is why she left. It's sort of like when I made us leave... She felt it was the best thing. You needed your normality back." Edward says, watching his father. He hates the permanent frown on his face these days.

"I'm going to go see if she's ready." He mutters, walking inside to avoid the conversation.

Edward sighs and looks into the distance for a moment. Wren looks up as Carlisle comes into her room, giving him a small smile as he does. "Hi handsome."

"Hi beautiful. You ready?" He says, holding his hand out.

Wren nods. "Can we go slow? I'm... I'm hungry." She takes his hand.

He nods. "Of course. I'll go get some more blood tonight." He promises. "Once you're asleep."

Wren smiles a bit. "Well I was sort of hoping you'd maybe... Stay with me." She says, looking down to make sure she doesn't miss a step.

"Really..?" Carlisle smiles a little. "I'd love to. I'll go after we get back then." He smiles wider, holding the door for her. They begin their daily, slow walk into the forest.

Edward waits until he's out of earshot before he grabs his phone. "It's safe." He says, hanging up.

A moment later he can hear the running of several beings in the forests in the opposite direction to which Carlisle went. Aro and Marcus emerge with Jasper, Emmett emerges with Garrett and Kate, an unconscious boy thrown over Emmett's shoulder.

Edward huffs. "How do we interrogate him if he's not conscious?" He mutters.

Emmett grins. "I can fix it!" He calls.

Edward heads downstairs, meeting everyone in the living room. Before he even speaks Aro speaks. "Caius has gone to look at something with the twins."

"Good, no one likes him." Kate snaps, glaring at Aro. She doesn't like this, not one bit, knowing they killed her sister. But her friends need her help so she'll be mature - for now.

Edward rolls his eyes. "Grow up. Carlisle will be back soon and we need to have something to tell him. He's gonna be mad you're all here and involved now but we need the help despite his distain of asking for it."

"Alice should be here with Huilin soon." Jasper says, coming in after finishing a call.

Edward nods. "Good. What do we know?"

"From what I recall, hybrids are venomous, yes?" Marcus says in his usual bored dribble.

"Yes." Edward nods. "Males are at least."

"Could it be she was bitted by a male? Maybe they aren't all venomous." He says.

"That's our first thought. This toe rag is a hybrid, I'm sure we can make him squeal." Emmett smirks, shrugging his shoulder to jolt the boy.

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