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Wren didn't get chance to see the handsome, young doctor again. She was discharged early Friday morning after 30 odd hours in hospital, but the guy wasn't anywhere to be seen. She's ashamed at how she was around him - she was just in shock. The car wasn't worth much, but it was everything to her. Freedom, a lifeline.

She doesn't have much. She works 2 jobs, occasionally 3 if the work is there, to keep herself afloat. She rents the smallest room she could find but that's still almost half her paycheck gone. Every penny counts, but now whatever she has saved has to go on a new car. For now, though, she's on the bus.

She gets off outside the hospital and heads in, a bunch of flowers in her hand as she looks at the tall building. She heads to the reception area and waits her turn smiling politely at the woman. "Hi... I was wondering if there was a doctor Cullen about?"

"I believe he's just got in, would you like me to page him for you?" She asks, smiling.

Wren nods. "Please." She smiles, taking a seat to wait. She looks around, hearing the announcement over the speakers. She feels a little intrusive coming here, but he apparently wasn't working long on Friday and she missed him then, and he was gone all weekend. So she's glad he's here this week.

"Hey Agnes, what can I do for you?" The familiar voice says.

Wren stands as Agnes smiles. "The pretty young girl over there asked for you."

Carlisle looks over, confused, but smiles when he recognises her. "Look at you, free at last. How are you doing? Is everything okay?" He frowns a bit as his eyes scan her.

Wren smiles. "Hi. I'm all good now, get my stitches out Friday and gotta have another chest xray in 2 weeks. I just came to say I'm sorry for how I was - and thank you for saving my life."

He smiles. "You're more than welcome." He nods. "I hope you got a car sorted?"

"Not yet. Sorry, they're girly but... I didn't want to come empty handed." She blushes, holding the bouquet of wild flowers out.

Carlisle smiles as he takes them. "They're beautiful, it was very kind of you to bring them. Would you like to come to the doctors lounge with me? I can put these in a vase and we can talk more there."

Wren hesitates but nods, smiling warmly as she follows the doc. He keys in the code to a door and holds it for her, revealing a very nice, clean lounge area. "Make yourself comfortable." He says, grabbing a vase.

She carefully sits in one of the low armchairs, a hand over her ribs. "I came by Friday but you'd already left - busy weekend?"

"My daughter Alice and I went to look at colleges." He lies with a smile. "She didn't fancy taking her siblings."

"Wow, college. Exciting times ahead then." She rubs her hands over her knees nervously. "Did she see any she liked?"

Carlisle shakes his head. "Too many to choose from. Can I get you anything?" He checks before he sits by her.

"I'm good, thank you though." She smiles politely.

He sits on the couch closes to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Beaten." She laughs small, looking down at herself. "But I'm in one piece - mostly - so that's a bonus. Kinda hard to sleep but I don't get much of that anyways." She shrugs small.

Carlisle smiles small. "Try sleeping on the side without the broken ribs - not on your back. And sleep a little propped up."

"I'll be sure to try that." She nods. "I best be off, you've got more crazy people to save."

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