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Wren watches out the window as Carlisle enjoys some rough playfighting on the lawn with his sons. It's only been a few hours but she loves how he is around his family already. She smiles gently as she watches him laugh - her favourite sound.

"Hey." A soft voice says.

Wren looks over and smiles. "Hi Bella."

Bella leans on the kitchen counter beside her and watches her husband and father in law. "They're all so young at heart."

Wren nods. "Despite all being centuries old... Still hard to get my head around that part."

Bella nods. "Still is for me."

"How long have you been like them?" She asks, looking over.

Bella smiles. "3 and a half years, it'll be 4 years this fall."

"Wow, so you're super new." Wren says, surprised. "Are you hungry or..."

Bella laughs. "No, not at all. I suppose it's my gift, sort of - I'm a shield. I can cut all the negative things off like my thirst. Jasper can do his thing but struggles, Edward can't hear my thoughts, some other gifts can't touch me. Pretty handy at times."

"Woah.."Wren whispers. "Do you like miss your human life?"

"Never." Bella shakes her head. "I feel made for this. Is it something you'd want?"

"Oh god, I have no idea." She exhales slowly. "I'd like to say I love Carlisle enough to do it but I don't know... Eternity? And that pain. The hunger... Not sold on it just yet."

"It isn't all bad." Rosalie says quietly as she comes in. She leans on the counter opposite Bella and Wren, her back to the window. "It's sorta fun."

Both Wren and Bella are surprised. "Wait, your dad said you hate this life-"

"Hate is a strong word." Rose smiles. "I'm opposed to it, yes, but it's pretty cool. The speed, for one thing. The hunger is fine you get used to it. The strength? Damn, I can take on Emmett if I wanted."

"No you can't!" He calls from outside, pausing only briefly to say thst before he's back to wrestling.

Wren giggles. "Sounds awesome... Minus the being dead part, and the never aging part, oh and the bloodthirst."

"Naturally." Rose laughs as Bella does too.

Wren stands up. "Tell him I've gone to shower whenever he decides to grow up." She teases, heading upstairs to what is Carlisle' room. It's still odd to her that they have a house, bedrooms and normal things. They don't need sleep or food or to shower. Carlisle says it helps them feel normal, having a routine helps the time pass.

She gently closes and locks the bathroom door, flicking the shower on and stripping. She hums a little as she goes through the motions of washing her hair and body, taking a moment to relax. What a weird week it's been... Weird indeed. The man she has... Feelings? Is that the word? Anyway. The man she likes is an immortal, 400 year old vampire with a bunch of hundred year old vampire kids. Totally normal. And he's a vegetarian, how convenient for her! She won't be dinner.

Edward laughs, Carlisle managing to tackle him as he's distracted. Everyone stops to stare at him, letting him compose himself. "Carlisle, your girls thoughts are a wonderful place."

Carlisle smiles. "Stop listening... What's she thinking about?"

"You." He says.

Emmett and Jasper make vomit noises from beside them. "Childish." Carlisle mutters, looking up at the window to his room on the top floor. "What about me?"

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