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Carlisle grabs his briefcase and jacket, headed out to the parking lot as he pulls his phone out. He smiles as he sees a few messages from Wren waiting for him; gist of it is, she won't finish work on time today so their dinner plans are cancelled, but she's gonna come to his right after.

Can't wait. I'll save you some pizza. - C

He slips his phone away and puts his things in the trunk, turning slowly when he senses someone behind him. "Jesus Rose..." He sighs heavy.

Rosalie stands with crossed arms and a blank expression. "Something you need to say?"

He raises an eyebrow as he closes the trunk. "I'm sorry?"

"Edward and Alice are being funny. Secretive. And I see you last night with some human girl. Not you too. Please no." She demands.

Carlisle sighs. "Rose... Its none of your concern right -"

"It is! It's all our lives you put in danger with a human!" She snaps.

Carlisle remains calm. "I deserve happiness, Rosalie, and I think I've found that. I haven't told her a thing. Not yet, at least. And I will tell you all when I'm ready."

"This isn't right!" She snaps.

"If you aren't going to talk calmly then I'm not going to listen." He says firmly, climbing in his car.

Rosalie climbs in and stares at him. "We just got over Bella and now you want to throw another human in the mix!? Is this what we do now?"

He sighs, annoyed . "I'm happy Rose!" He yells. "For the first time in what feels like forever! I. Am. Happy. Is that a crime? Do you think I intended to do this? You think I'd risk my job, my life. Your lives. Just for a moment in time?" He glares at her.

Rosalie goes silent, staring at her fathers eyes as they go incredibly dark with his growing anger. "I'm just -"

"I know I shouldn't have changed you without your permission. And trust me, I regret changing Esme because I waited for days with high hopes and nothing came of it. I should have asked Edwards permission. Emmetts. But since the moment you all came into my lives everything I have done has been for your protection. And your happiness. Now it's my turn. Can't you give me this?"

Rosalie is silent - debating. "We can't handle a situation like Bella again." She says softly.

"No we can't. Wren is nothing like Bella Swan. Bella was a teenage girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wren was in the right place at the right time - so was I. I met her for a reason, Rose, and it sounds cheesy but I'm so glad I did. Whatever the reason is, I want to stick around to see it. And I'd really love for my family to be there too. She's... Incredible." He sighs, leaning his head back.

"You really like her..." Rose says gently, smiling small. "I'm sorry... I am happy for you. Can I meet her?" She says softly.

Carlisle smiles small, a little surprised at her change of mood but happy none the less. "Yeah maybe... But I don't want her knowing yet."

Rosalie nods small and sits facing forward as her father begins to drive. "What's the story..?"

"She thinks I adopted you all still, that's no different. Most the same story as before." He says gently, putting his phone through the car system. "Call Wren."

It dials for a moment. "Hellooo?"

"Hey you. Grab something to eat on your way to mine, I've had a slight change of plans. Rosalie is coming to town for a day or two and I need to go get her, is it okay if she gate crashes?" He glances at his daughter.

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