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"Tell me again what happened!!" Carlisle demands, beyond angry.

Rose swallows hard. "They said she's gone... She's alive but she's gone."

Hw slams his hand on his desk. "This is all your fault!!!!"

"We were trying to help!" Jasper defends.

Carlisle glares. "Help!? You took her to a village of strangers who could be doing god knows what to her! They could be holding her captive!"

"She wasn't there. Her scent just... Disappeared." Rose shakes her head.

When Wren went into the village, Jasper and Rose could hear the discussion. The elder was telling her the same tale Nani had, but then came the interesting part.

You're the first of the witches ancestors to have faced this issue. All of them, but you, have stayed well away from immortals and magic. I've never seen such sickness - the legends just say it is possible but we've never actually seen it.

The elder was beyond surprised by it. He said there was only brief legends on how to cure it but nothing definite. When Wren promised to try anything, that is when her scent disappeared. Her heart beat could no longer be heard. Jasper and Rose stormed the village but nothing.

She has gone to find her way. If it is meant to be, she will make it back to you. All will become clear in due course.

Of course that is great to hear but how can they tell that to Carlisle? He's not exactly easy to ration with these days and talk to. He's moody, on edge, snappy. When they told him, he broke the dining room table in half. He punched his Mercedes into a lump of metal that evening. Some of the older trees that surround the house are now being used for firewood by the wolves. If this is how he has handled it in the last 3 days, God knows how he'll continue to handle it.

"I want answers!" He yells.

"We all do!!" Jasper bursts. "We all care about Wren, we all want to know where she is!!! Heck, we've even got the volturi searching the world for any sighs, what does that say!? None of us are happy with this, we're all affected! Do you think you're the only one hurting!"

Carlisle is silent as Jasper storms out, Rose quietly leaving a moment after. He stays stood in the middle of the office, staring at the wall, for many hours after. We all is an odd thing to hear. Of course he knew his children liked Wren but he didn't realise how much she meant to them. Maybe he has been a bit selfish - he can see why Edward reacted the way he did When he thought Bella was dead, why he went through so much to protect her.

In the last 350 years or whatever of his life Carlisle hasn't felt physical pain. Until now, when a sudden sharp pain rips through his head. He screams and falls to his knees clutching his head. At first he wonders if Jane is using her ability, but this is nothing like that. He's aware of people surrounding him, asking what's wrong, all confused and concerned.

But there's something more pressing he can hear.

Her voice.

I'll be back with you soon. I promise. Really soon.

It's just a whisper, and it's gone in seconds as the pain does. Carlisle collapses onto his back and breathes heavy, staring up at Aro, Caius, Edward, Jasper and Tanya.

"What was that!!!!" Edward demands.

"I-I heard her." Carlisle breathes, sitting up. "She said she'll be back soon."

"Wren?" Aro asks, his eyes wide.

Carlisle nods, finally able to stand. He looks at everyone's frightened eyes. "I'm okay. I... I think it was a memory."

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