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Things are going... Good? Is that a word Wren can use? Maybe. Things seem to be going that way, anywho, and most of the time she barely notices that her boyfriend is not human. They've got their own bubble and the only time it's noticeable is when they expand that bubble to include his children.

The Rosalie situation? No better. She's still hot, cold, in then out. It's made it difficult for Wren to get to know Emmett, who seems to like her; but she's getting along amazingly with the others. Especially Jasper. Even if he didn't have the ability to know how she feels, she thinks he'd know anyway. He's so easy to talk to - and he always knows what to say to talk her off the edge.

To say she's used to the idea that her boyfriend is a killing machine holding it all in and settling for a  supplementary diet would be a lie. That's the one thing she never forgets - his thirst. Yeah, sure, he has incredible control! But he let's his guard down a little more each day he's with her and a small part of her fears that. Despite knowing he'd never hurt her she can't hold it back. Because she can't guarantee he can hold on to his self control if his natural instinct is telling him to kill. Kill her.

"Babe?" Carlisle calls softly.

Wren snaps out of her thoughts and cusses, grabbing the pan off the stove as it boils over. "Shoot!"

Carlisle is beside her in a second, taking the pan and pulling her away. He turns the stove off and sets the pot in the sink, pulling her close. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I was just daydreaming." She laughs, kissing his cheek. "How was work?"

"Daydreaming about what?" He frowns, not letting it or her go.

She giggles to cover the seriousness of her daydream. "You. God that was corny." She kisses him quickly and goes back to her dinner, dishing what pasta is salvageable onto a plate before pouring a bit if the sauce she heated over it.

"Oh yeah?" Carlisle raises his eyebrow, following her to the table and sitting opposite her. "I read you like a book, babe."

"Yeah, and I'm being honest. I was daydreaming about those eyes." She smirks. She indeed was, before her thoughts turned darker.

Carlisle eyes her for a moment before he decides to drop it. "Fine. Alice called again - says there's a storm this weekend, do we want to head back for it?"

Wren shrugs as she eats. "You're the one working. I think it's a record to lose two jobs in the space of an hour. All I asked for was to change shifts." She rolls her eyes.

Carlisle smiles small. "Yknow... I could transfer back to Forks. If that's a thought you've ever considered." He quickly adds.

Wren stops still, her fork midair, her mouth open, pasta falling back onto the plate. "Um." Is all she manages to say. Are they there yet? Does she want to live with a bunch of non-humans? One that can read minds. One who can see the future. Another whom can control emotions...

Carlisle frowns a little by her reaction - or there lack of. "It's okay if not, love, I just thought it may be an idea."

"I... Can we discuss this later?" She smiles small. "Give me some time to think."

Carlisle smiles small. "Of course. I'm going to go shower and do some work, do not hurt yourself in the 5 minutes I'm showering." He playfully warns.

Wren playfully salutes and watches him go; she can easily tell he's upset. He isn't hard to upset. She knows it'll mean a lot for him to be back with his family but like she already considered, she isn't sure how she feels. She can't ask him to move out of his family home. Or to not move back at all. Or to stay with her when they're his true family.

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