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Wren looks exhausted. She's covered in blood, her face especially, and she's somehow very human still. "Carlisle..." she whispers.

He leaps forward and catches her as she collapses, falling against him. "Wren... Wren what's happened!?" He demands, grabbing her face.

She hiccups and takes deep breaths. "I..." She turns away, throwing up. It isn't what you'd expect. The substance is thick, red and very obvious. Blood.

Alice, Jasper and Carlisle share horrified looks as Wren cries weakly. "I'm so hungry!" She screams, leaning her head back on Carlisle.

He strokes her cheek as he looks back down at her, her eyes closed as she hiccups again. "We'll get you some food..." He says, unsure of what food. Blood? Normal food?

She shakes her head, looking up at him. Her eyes are a dark grey colour, cold and tired. "I-I just bring it back up." She whispers.

"What happened... Tell me, Wren, love, please." Carlisle says, trying to be patient despite his mind racing at a thousand miles an hour. "Wren?" He strokes her cheek.

A soft snore leaves her lips as she falls asleep against him. Carlisle watches her for a moment before he stands, cradling her close. "Home. Now. Somethings not right." He says.

Jasper and Alice nod in agreement, rushing ahead as he follows, carrying her the whole way. He can't seem to piece things together. What's happened to her? Is she the newborn? She isn't like him, she's definitely still human - at least, she seems so, mostly.

"The couch." Alice points to Jasper as the enter the house. They break the back off and set it flat, making the couch into a bed.

Carlisle lays Wren on it, Rosalie and Emmett coming in confused. "Is that...!?"

"Wren." Carlisle says as he strokes her hair back. He pulls away and looks her over, pulling the bloody sweater off her fragile body. He looks her over and inhales sharply as he sees the bite on her shoulder. A vampire bite.

The others make similar hissing sounds in surprise. "How!?" Rosalie demands in disbelief, sounding the thoughts of those in the room.

"She's been bitten... She should be like us." Alice says, her voice higher than usual in surprise.

"She's warm." Carlisle says. "And she can bleed. But... Its like she heels fast." He says, digging his nail into her wrist. It punctures the skin and a blood droplet swells there, but after a second or so it's healed, the blood dry.

"This makes no sense." Emmett says.

"She can't be killing all those people." Jasper shakes his head. "The destruction left... Its more than one newborn."

"No." A voice whispers weakly. They all look down to see Wren staring at the ceiling. "It was me." She says in barely a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asks, taking her hand.

Wren swallows hard and grips his hand as she closes her eyes. "I need blood... But I can't keep it down. The-the only way I've survived this long i-is because I feed as often as-as I can stomach."

"You... You feed?" Carlisle asks quietly. None of this makes sense.

She closes her eyes again as she nods. "Mm." She hums. "I... I don't remember much. One minute I was out at a bar and the next... I was in so much p-pain." She whispers. "Then suddenly I was-was so hungry. And I couldn't move." She tears at the memory. When she opens her eyes, she finds Carlisle staring at her with his dark eyes. "It burned." She shudders.

Carlisle places a hand on her clammy cheek. "Shh, it's okay... We all know." He smiles sadly. "Where were you, darling?" He asks softly, brushing her hair back.

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