C2 Cremation of a Dead Love

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Early next morning, Xia Feng woke up as usual, first unfocused in bed for 2 minutes, before getting up.

However, it seems that something's wrong with his home today. How can it smell so smoky so early in the morning?

Xia Feng had no time to wear his glasses and opened the door only to find smoke coming out of the kitchen. Xia Feng was suddenly scared, and rushed to the kitchen entrance then...

"What are you doing?" Xia Feng felt the life draining from his body as he managed to not open his mouth to swear.

"You've woken up?" Yu Dong, who was burning things in a pot, was in a good mood as she turned to Xia Feng and said hello.

"What are you burning?" Xia Feng repeated.

"Some photos, tickets, a diary." Yu Dong explained, holding a photo in one hand. "It was taken with my ex-boyfriend before."

"Why are you burning things this early in the morning?"

"I just saw them this morning when I got up and opened my luggage. I couldn't restrain my anger. So to not affect the harmonious life of the new husband and wife, I decided to cremate my dead love." Yu Dong said with such righteousness and certainty.

"Then why are you burning it in the pot?" Xia Feng asked with gritted teeth.

"Well, I knew it was going to be smoky, then I thought that there would be a range hood in the kitchen. When I got here I found the pot, and decided to use it on the spot." Yu Dong said and then complained. "But this hood isn't very good, there's still quite a bit of smoke. Has it passed its warranty period? If not, you should get it exchanged."

"..." What are schools teaching nowadays, this little girl's thought process is a mess.

"Are you going to make breakfast? I'm almost done burning, and you'll be able to use it again after I wash it." Yu Dong felt clever.

"If we use this pot to fry in the future, won't remnants of your dead love be in every dish?" Xia Feng couldn't help but mutter.

"Yeah, that seems a little unlucky, we should just throw it away." But Yu Dong soon shook her head again and said, "No, this pot looks very expensive, why not sell it online? Come take a photo of it and upload it, fast!"

Xia Feng felt that his three views were being seriously challenged, and he could only leave and wash his face to calm down.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Yu Dong rushed to the living room to enjoy her freshly made wedding photos. While the photo was taken a little hastily, it was still very well-made, the two people looking good together.

Yu Dong was happily enjoying it for some time. When she finally snapped out of it, she saw Xia Feng with fried eggs and bacon on the table.

"These were the only things at home, eat it first."

Yu Dong naturally went and sat at the table. She took the milk Xia Feng handed to her and then started eating. Compared to Yu Dong's zero cooking skills, someone who could make breakfast like this was simply a god.

"Husband, you made the right choice to have me as your wife."

Xia Feng, who was drinking milk, choked, having been caught off-guard.

"Without a wife with zero cooking skills, how can you show your virtuousness and talent!" Yu Dong said righteously.

"Should I thank you!" Xia Feng spluttered.

"You're welcome!"

What's to be done with this sudden urge to swear explosively?

After eating rice, Yu Dong took the initiative to wash the dishes and said: "After you cook I'll wash, the book I read said that housework should be shared and not left to one person!"

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