C38 Special Gift

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Every time Xiang Xiaoyue remembered last night's events, she would turn grumpy. With a snap, she broke the pencil she was holding in two, making her even angrier as she threw the pieces into the bin.

The script she was holding in her other hand crumpled, moments away from being ripped into shreds.

Yu Dong took her coffee and walked to Ren Xinxin, whispering: "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know, she's been like that all morning. I wanted to ask you, didn't she see you perform last night?" Ren Xinxin asked.

"I was about to go look for her after the show, but she called me and said she had something to do. she left first." Yu Dong and Ren Xinxin looked at each other, curiosity and the thirst for gossip obvious in their eyes.

Yu Dong went over and rapped on Xiaoyue's table.

"What?" Xiang Xiaoyue looked up to Yu Dong.

"Squeeze a little more, and I think you'll break all the pencils in your pencil case." Yu Dong pointed at the trash bin.

Xiang Xiaoyue looked down and was startled to see several broken pencils in the bin. Depressed, she finally put down the papers in her hand. She needed a break.

"What happened last night?" Yu Dong asked.

Xiang Xiaoyue regained her spirit as she looked up to Yu Dong. She thought for a moment and said: "Nothing, I just met an old friend."

Her black history that is chubby girl must never see the light of day.

"What about your murder bag? Why don't you have it today?" She had been so proud of that bag when she showed it off to Yu Dong, Xiaoyue should be using it for weeks, not for just one night.

"Oh, that bag, I think you're right in the end. It's a little dangerous, and I'm always near a pregnant woman, I have to be careful." Xiang Xiaoyue explained.

Yu Dong looked at her with suspicion, then looked back towards Ren Xinxin. Ren Xinxin shrugged her shoulders clearly not believing Xiaoyue's answer.


Xiaoyue picked up her phone and when she saw the screen her face scrunched. She took her phone and rushed out of the room.

"There's something fishy!" Yu Dong asserted.

"Very fishy!' Ren Xinxin agreed as she nodded.

Meanwhile, Xiang Xiaoyue entered an empty dubbing room and helplessly answered her phone: "What are you calling me for?"

"You don't seem very happy that I called." Qin Yue arched an eyebrow as he comfortably sat down on the sofa.

"If you have something to say, just say it!" Xiaoyue said impatiently. Thinking of her dark past, her face turned weird.

"There's nothing, it's just that I'm in Shanghai and I haven't had the time to look around. Do you have time to be my tour guide today?" Qin Yue laughed.

"Nope!" Xiang Xiaoyue didn't even hesitate as she answered.

"Are you still angry at me for calling you chubby back then?" Qin Yue speculated.

"How forgetful are you? You did more than that," Xiaoyue said fiercely, "You said I had some sort of disease and made me believe I had to eat swan meat to get better."

"Oh, ha ha..." Qin Yue couldn't help but chuckle. "How do you remember things that happened so long ago? Weren't you 5 at the time?"

"I think it's 3 year-olds that can't retain memories." Xiang Xiaoyue said sarcastically.

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