C46 Love Can't be Calculated Based on Time

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Yu Dong's cold eyes made Xia Feng's heart tighten. With An An's sudden appearance and the awkward atmosphere, Xia Feng suddenly felt like being a little impulsive.

"Dong Dong, come over." Xia Feng lifted a hand towards her.

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Yu Dong paused, then slowly walked towards Xia Feng.

"Let me introduce you, this is-"

Xia Feng hadn't even finished his sentence when An An took the initiative to stretch out a hand towards Yu Dong. Interrupting Xia Feng's introduction, she said: "Hello, I'm An An, Xia Feng's-"

"Ex-girlfriend?" Yu Dong smiled as she cut An An off, taking her outstretched hand for a shake.

An An was surprised at Yu Dong's actions and smiled awkwardly: "It seems that Xia Feng mentioned me to you."

"Of course." Looking back to Xia Feng, Yu Dong continued, "I knew about you on the day we met."

An An's face turned stiff at this. Glancing at Xia Feng, she reluctantly said back, "Pediatrics still need me for some things, I'll be going first."

"Alright." Xia Feng nodded.

An An swept her gaze towards the two people holding each other's hands. With one last smile, she turned and started to walk away.

Just when Yu Dong thought she had won the round, An An suddenly turned back and looked at Xia Feng, saying: "Right, my colleagues wanted to hold a welcoming party for me. Now that you're back, you should be free so come enjoy the night with us."


"I checked beforehand, you don't have any scheduled surgeries. I'll see you tonight." An An said before turning a corner, disappearing from their sight.

Yu Dong listened to her parting words and lifted an eyebrow as she looked at Xia Feng, waiting for his response.

Before Xia Feng could open his mouth, the doors of the operating room opened again. Yu Dong abandoned Xia Feng and rushed to the door with Xiang Xiaoyue.

"Xinxin, Xinxin." The two each took a side and looked down to their friend.

"Don't worry, the mother's condition has stabilized and when the anesthetic wears off, she'll wake up. Let us move her to a room first." The doctor explained as he pushed the bed.

The crowd thanked the doctor and followed the bed through the ward.

Xia Feng saw that Yu Dong was leaving. He rubbed his forehead: He didn't know if he just got lucky or not.

At this time, a sneaky figure peeked behind a corner before rushing towards Xia Feng: "Did you see?"

Xia Feng lacked any mercy as he raised a hand to hit the man running towards him: "So you knew, why didn't you tell me in advance."

Shao Yifan dodged the hit and quickly explained: "I only found out about it two days ago! I wanted to tell you but since you were facing against Yu Dong's parents, I didn't want to burden you. I was going to tell you the moment you came back to the hospital, but I had surgery earlier in the morning. Look at me, I'm still wearing my scrubs."

Xia Feng gave him a look, ah it was useless to stay and chat, he needed to find Yu Dong.

"where are you going?" Shao Yifan followed Xia Feng, sniffing for gossip. "You haven't told me what happened when they met. Did they fight? Man, when I saw I didn't dare come out."

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