C21 Let's Fall in Love

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Yu Dong held Ren Xinxin as they got off the bus.

"It's fine, I'm only 5 months in, you don't need to be so careful." Ren Xinxin said.

"Look at how big your stomach is." If Yu Dong hadn't know Xinxin would have a daughter, Yu Dong would have long suspected that she carried twins.

"The child is a little big!"

"I heard that big children are often greedy, don't think Xiaoyue doesn't tell me what you've been doing. She says that when she's asleep you'd sneak downstairs and eat." Yu Dong said, "The last time we went to a check up didn't the doctor say that the child is becoming too big to be safely born, you have to control yourself ah."

"It's fine, no big deal." Ren Xinxin was indifferent.

"Didn't the doctor say that natural childbirth is the best when it comes to the child's health?" If Xiang Xiaoyue was here she would definitely agree with Yu Dong, saying that cesarean section would leave scars.

"Then...I'll eat less in the future!" Ren Xinxin hesitantly said.

They continued their conversation as they entered the elevator and rode up to the 5th floor of the shopping mall – to the baby goods store.

They strolled around as Ren Xinxin commented, "Why are things so expensive for children?"

"Children really are more expensive!" Even Yu Dong was a little surprised at how high the prices were.

"Then I'd better but less!" Ren Xinxin hesitated, then said, "Let's buy baby bottles first."

Ren Xinxin chose a relatively expensive baby bottle and took out an item from their shopping cart to replace it with.

Yu Dong put the item back and scolded, "You've been putting things in and taking things out all day."

"But everything's so expensive. When the baby's born there will be even more things to buy." Ren Xinxin explained.

"These can be my presents to the baby." After saying this, Yu Dong took over the cart and pushed it towards the counter to pay.

"How can I let you do that?" Ren Xinxin directly refused.

"You're still saying this when Xiang Xiaoyue already gifted you so much baby milk powder." Yu Dong lifted a hand to stop Ren Xinxin's refusal and said, "I thought we agreed to raise the child together, all 3 of us."


"Learning to accept help from your friends is a testament to how close you are to the other, ah."

After that, Ren Xinxin no longer insisted.

At the checkout counter, Ren Xinxin kept glancing at the elephant-shaped bottle in Yu Dong's hands, and couldn't help but say with amusement: "If you like children so much, just wait for Xia Feng to get back and and attack him, ah."

"Maybe." Yu Dong replied.

"What? Does Xia Feng not want children?" Ren Xinxin was surprised.

"It's not that. We've been sleeping in separate rooms, let alone having children, that's too far of a goal." Yu Dong said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"True, Xia Feng had to go to America soon after your marriage. Speaking of which, is he coming back soon?" Ren Xinxin remembered Shao Yifan saying that Xia Feng would be back around Christmastime.

"He should be back next week, but the exact day hasn't been decided yet."

As they spoke, they passed by a men's store. Yu Dong glanced at the windows, hesitating.

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