C9 Aiming to be More Spoiled

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Outside the conference room of the hospital

"Xia Feng your proposal was quite good, the hospital will consider it carefully." Dr. Cui said, nodding.

"Thank you, President!"

"The two American experts also expressed their interest in your new treatment for the tumor, and said they would be interested in working with us." Dr. Cui continued.

"President, I will continue to work hard."

"Young people sure are energetic!" Dr. Cui nodded and left.

At this time, Shao Yifan, who was hiding in a corner came out and heard Dr. Cui's parting words:
" 'Young people are energetic,' President Cui was praising you a lot. It seems that your publication will go well this time."

"What did you do yesterday?" Xia Feng looked at Shao Yifan.

"Yesterday I was singing karaoke. It was too noisy, and I didn't hear your initial phone call and when I called you back later, you said you didn't need help." Shao Yifan remembered that Xia Feng had called him yesterday but couldn't get through. He only saw the texts asking for help later in the night. "But I see you managed to finish it in time."

"If Yu Dong didn't help, I reckon I'd still be sorting out through my data."

"Really?" Shao Yifan was shocked to hear that Yu Dong helped. "Does she know medicine?"

"She helped me translate my data into English." Xia Feng explained.

"She's that smart? There are a lot of technical terms in it." Shao Yifan said incredulously.

Xia Feng was too lazy to further explain, so he just started walking towards their office.

"What are you going to do?" Shao Yifan hurried to catch up to Xia Feng and said, "I heard what the president just said. You might have to travel to the United States to collaborate."

"Not necessarily, many people in the hospital are scrambling for a place in New York's Edward Hospital, I might not necessarily get chosen." Xia Feng shook his head.

"How can that be, other people rely on hospital recommendations, but you directly showed your face in front of American experts. Didn't the president just say that the other side is very interested in your new treatment idea." Shao Yifan said.
"Let's talk about it later." Xia Feng put down the documents he was holding and picked up the medical files on his desk. "I'm going to see some patients."

"You spent the whole night sorting through your data, and literally just finished a 2 hour presentation. How are you not sleepy!" When Shao Yifan saw that Xia Feng had no intention of stopping and was going to see his patients, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Yu Dong helped me to organize the data, saving me a lot of time. I managed to sleep a few hours this morning, I feel fine." Xia Feng said, "The patient in bed 5 isn't looking good. I can't relax."

"Oh, look at this public display of affection!" Shao Yifan exaggerated.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Feng ignored Shao Yifan and left the office.

It was already 6:00 p.m when Yu Dong woke up with a headache and her biological clock in disarray. She stayed in bed for a few minutes before managing to feebly get out of bed.

When she went into the kitchen to get some water from the refrigerator, she found a post-it note on it.

'Although it's summer, it isn't good to directly drink ice water. There's honeyed water that I made on the table, just drink that if you're thirsty, and I cooked some egg fried rice, just microwave it when you get hungry.

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