C37 Xiaoyue's Dog

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On New Year's Eve, City TV Station rented a large auditorium for their gala.

After getting ready, Yu Dong arrived backstage half an hour early. People were bustling around wearing colorful clothes, but sadly, none could rival Yu Dong's sequined skirt.

Yu Dong wasn't some big shot so naturally, she didn't have a separate lounge to wait in. In the end, she found a small corner and sat down to play with her phone.

Alas, phones right now had limited functions...

"Dong Dong...." Xiang Xiaoyue had been looking for Yu Dong for ages before finally finding her sitting in a corner.

"Xiaoyue? How come you're back here?" Yu Dong sent both Xiang Xiaoyue and Ren Xinxin tickets, but Ren Xinxin was becoming too big to come to busy places like this. In the end, Xiaoyue came alone.

"I had an acquaintance let me in." Xiang Xiaoyue smiled and pointed behind her.

Yu Dong tilted her head and saw Lei Zhen, Fang Hua's university friend. Because Yu Dong hadn't seen Lei Zhen in 10 years, she doesn't really remember him. In the few times she met him after her rebirth, Yu Dong couldn't even remember his name, but after yesterday's rehearsal, she's finally a little more familiar with him.

"You're not on until 9:30." As the host of the gala, Lei Zhen naturally knew the schedule so he made a proposal: "You still need to wait for 2 hours, why don't you go wait at our lounge, there are fewer people there."

"Will I be troubling you?" Yu Dong hesitated.

"Not at all, we're all classmates, and you've met sister Enna." Lei Zhen smiled.

"We should go. Look how busy everyone is, you'll just be in other people's way." Xiang Xiaoyue also advised.

So Yu Dong and Xiang Xiaoyue followed Lei Zhen to the host lounge. Li Enna was reading her teleprompter cards when she saw people entering. She smiled and greeted them; obviously Lei Zhen had already talked to her beforehand.

Yu Dong thanked Lei Zhen and sat down with Xiang Xiaoyue.

Soon a staff member came in and told Li Enna and Lei Zhen that the director was looking for them, so they both left the lounge.

When Yu Dong and Xiang Xiaoyue were finally the only people left in the room, it soon became lively.

"The skirt looks fine, it's not as exaggerated as you described." Xiang Xiaoyue looked at Yu Dong's skirt and commented this.

"But don't you think that it's a little too grand for a no-name amidst a gala with bigger stars?" Yu Dong pointed to herself.

"Oh. That's true. Your dress is more eye-catching compared to what Li Enna was wearing." Xiaoyue smiled, "But you'll look stunning on stage, with all the lights the effect will definitely be amazing!"

"Don't you need to find your seat soon?" Yu Dong remembered that the audience had to enter the auditorium early.

"It'll be fine, I only came to cheer for you anyway." Xiang Xiaoyue opened her bag and pulled out a small camera, showing it to Yu Dong as if it was a treasure, "I'll take lots of pictures later."

Yu Dong didn't look at the camera, her eyes trained at Xiaoyue's bag.

It was a small women's satchel, its whole body shaped like a sharp cone. It glittered in the light and anyone who saw it would certainly feel chills.

"Is that a bag or a murder weapon?" Yu Dong couldn't help but say.

"This..." Xiang Xiaoyue glanced at her bag and proudly showed it off: "It's a popular bag right now, I ordered it from America especially. Isn't it cool, it can also act as a weapon when I need one."

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