C61 Extra Three (Alien)

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The author notes not to take this too seriously...


Ren Xinxin sat in a café not far from the Shanghai Grand Theater, killing time before the show. After sending a message via WeChat, Xinxin looked up to see her daughter's face smeared with cake.

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"I think most of the cake went to your face instead of your mouth." Ren Xinxin laughed as she took a napkin and wiped her daughter's mouth.

"Mom, this chocolate cake is delicious." Little Bell blinked her big eyes and said, "I want to eat another one."

"It isn't good to eat too much cake. Your teeth will grow worms, and they'll fall off." Ren Xinxin tried to persuade her daughter.

"But QiQi said that when children grow older, they'll lose their teeth and grow new ones, even if I eat less sugar." Little Bell remembered Auntie Xiaoyue telling the same thing her mom was saying, and brother QiQi refuting her.

That QiQi, how can a four-year-old child know such things.

"But if it doesn't fall off naturally, the new teeth might not grow out straight, ah." Ren Xinxin patiently told her daughter, "And if you eat too much cake you'll grow fat, and no one wants to get fat."

"Will everyone like me if I don't eat anymore cake?"


"Mom's lying." Little Bell looked serious. "Auntie Dong Dong said that the only thing everyone likes is renminbi, it can't be Lingdang."

(T/N Renminbi is the currency of China, and reminder, Lingdang is little bell's actual name.)

That Yu Dong, what is she saying in front of the children. No wonder that QiQi's so strange, despite being so young.

"Your Auntie Dong Dong isn't right either."

"Oh. Can I have another piece of cake?" Little Bell's obsession with cake took precedence.

"...." Ren Xinxin helplessly stood up. "I'll go buy you another one. Don't walk off."

"Un!" Little Bell nodded happily.

Ren Xinxin looked around the store. The café was quiet, with no people around their table. Seeing that she could easily spot her daughter from the counter, Ren Xinxin could walk away confidently.

"Hello, Miss. What can I get you?" The cashier asked.

"Please give me another piece of chocolate cake." Ren Xinxin said as she looked back to see her daughter munching on her cake.

"Won't be long!" The cashier took out a fresh piece of cake and passed it to Ren Xinxin.

Xinxin smiled and pulled out a Grandpa Mao, intending to pay.

(T/N Grandpa Mao is Mao Zedong, someone who's on a banknote.)

"Miss, this cake was bought for you." The cashier refused Ren Xinxin's money.

"Ah?" Ren Xinxin was at a loss. She didn't see anyone she knew when she looked around.

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"A guest thought your daughter was cute so he told us that if you tried to buy another piece of cake, to give one to your daughter." The cashier explained.

"Where's that person?" Ren Xinxin looked around but didn't see anyone looking at her.

"They already left."

"Oh." Ren Xinxin couldn't do anything else but take the cake and return to her seat.

Little Bell had just finished her cake when she saw her mom bring her another. She immediately grabbed a small spoon and ate with gusto, her cheeks looking like a hamster.

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