20 - Cast

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Nao's Point of View

Okay. I've calmed down a bit. I was a bit startled by meeting such important people just wandering around the forest like they were going on a fantasy adventure.

Apparently we're walking back to the fort to get me dressed up as a maid... or something...

Anyway, I have to get away before-

"So, what is your name?" Mia asks me with a bright and childlike smile.


Away before they realize I ended up with the saintess. She won't try to protect me if they suspect I'm a Necromancer.

An awkard silence makes me look up to find Mia staring at me with that same weird shock and confusion, that sends my stomach sinking.

"Ahhh, Rosa...Lin you say. Small rose, that is a cute name. I did think you might have been called Rosa, so I was close."

My stomach knots up, as Mia forces the smile back onto her face like an actress. Why such a reaction over my name? If her guess was close then she should be happy, not confused, right? Just because I used the name Anna gave me-

Blood drains from my head, as I figure out where the unnerving feeling comes from.

I used the name Rosalin without thinking. Even if I intend to flee, this is the worst name I could chose besides Nao... and... if I had to make up a name right then and there, and had been just a little smarter, then I might indeed have picked Rosa. Does she have clairvoyance? But if she did, then wouldn't she know that I have necromancy, or that I intend to flee.

I try to put up a smile, but it probably looks awkward.

How should I answer? It would be weird if I didn't revere her, right?

"Thank you, holy saintess."

I bow a little as we continue to walk, and she gives a shy smile.

"Ah, Mia is fine, Rosa" "lin"

...just how strongly did she imprint herself with the wrong name? Not just that, but none of the others had a reaction to my name. That means that she couldn't have known from the divination.

If she can see the pop ups as saintess, does that mean she can see people's stats and saw another name? But what's the probability that this body's name was actually Rosa?

More than anything else-

"I am just the daughter of a Baron, so I'm not that comfortable with the formality, and even less with people praying to me." Mia says while shyly brushes a blonde strand of hair behind her ear, earning a couple warm gazes from Johannes and the black haired guy next to his highness.

...but if she really hates formality, then why is that Wallis magician calling her saintess?


Not to mention that the Johannes guy is glaring daggers at me, at the mere suggestion of calling her by name.

"I understand."

I force a smile.

Mia looks a bit uncomfortable as she folds her hands behind her back, but then smiles

"Then, why don't we do some introductions? The shy astrologer over there is Wallis."

He's a noble, right? Is it really okay for someone like that to be a glorified fortune teller? Well, I guess those kinds of abilities are far more powerful in fantasy stories and games, so perhaps it's okay.

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