22 - Wallis

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Nao's / Rosalin's Point of View

I stare quietly at the boundary to the chapel, as I feel hesitation fill me for a moment. Holiness is the opposite of what I am, right?

No, actually, Mia healed me, so it might be fine. Also, even if the religion here looks a lot like Christianity, they have multiple gods, so it might not be that black and white.

If I start burning up, then I'll use the window strategy. This is on the first floor after all, so it shouldn't hurt too much. Though the ground floor would be preferable.

I step into the chapel, only to feel an unnatural irritation rushing through me, like a tension that causes my fists to clench, and the otherwise pretty chapel to seem superficial and cold, though the walls are covered in vivid green foliage, and warm light pours down from the colorful glass mosaic windows.

It feels like my emotions are being controlled by something again. This unnatural shift in feelings makes my stomach twist, and at the sight of the priest a short burst of anger rushes to my head.

He looks like a pig.

"Come on now. We don't have all day," the head maid scolds, as she finds that I stopped up.

I feel sick.

Actually the priest doesn't look that ugly, so why is my mind saying he is? Is this because of Joshua manipulating me? He shouldn't be able to do anything against me because of the necromancy skill though.

Take a breath. These aren't my feelings. They're probably something added again.

[ Resistance sub-skill unlocked: Magic ]
[ Magic resistance ability unlocked: Mental Influence]

See... I glare quietly at the blue popup, as I force myself to continue into the chapel. This horrible feeling might also be a self-defense mechanic against unholy creatures trying to infiltrate human ranks... causing them to lose their mind in anger and attack.

Is this why they brought me here?

I think that, only to realize that no one is looking at me.

The head maid talks with the priest, Wallis is engrossed in his prayer, and the young boy cleaning the chapel is quite visibly lost in thought.

I take a deep breath and stop behind the head maid while crossing my arms for comfort.

Why aren't they paying attention?

Are they that trusting that Mia brought in someone good?

"So you're the saintess' new maid?"

I force a smile as the priest starts speaking to me.

"Yes, I am the one graced by the saintess kindness."

Not that I'm sure that is what Mia had in mind...

He smiles warmly, and it causes his plump cheeks to make thick folds, even under his eyes. I guess a priest of the goddess of life lives well. Pig.

I almost twitch, as I realize the hostile thoughts beginning to take over again.

His large, heavy hand feels like a rock as he places it on my thin shoulders.

"Kneel and I shall give you your blessing, child."

I don't want to.

"Of course."

I kneel down in front of him, but his hand doesn't move from my shoulder even for a moment.

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