62 - Azzo's Announcement

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A few days earlier

Sir Valire Point of View

They're finally back. I was a bit worried about Azzo's plan when he brought Lizette and Marengo out instead of one of the more gentle ones. He smiled so brightly when he asked if he could borrow my sweet Lizette, since I was still locked up in bed after the ambush, so it was hard to say no...

I see Azzo riding Marengo back through the gate, with Lizette in tow, and feel my heart lighten. Lizette, who had just been passively following along, raises her head, and rather roughly pulls her rope from Azzo's hand before giving a little hop and skip towards me, and happily trots across the courtyard to me, much like she always did as a foal.

I can't help but to smile, even as Lizette stops in front of me, leans her ears back, and then does an angry little stomp in front of me. While I can't tell if she's still upset I got hurt, or if she's angry I lent her out, I can see her ears quickly going back to normal, and she does a couple tippy taps, before putting her head over my shoulder, and pulls me into a hug, with a heavy puff.

"Welcome back, Lizette," I respond softly, and gently caress her neck, and in return, she nibbles at the back of my shirt.

"She's been on her very best behaviour, Val," Azzo says, as he rides up to me, with that bright smile again.

"I expected as much, when you told me even Alger behaves nicely around Rosalin, I hope she didn't end up biting sir Tristan though." 

Azzo's bright smile turns devious.

"They didn't ride Lizette."

I look to Lizette again. Why? If they didn't ride Lizette, then they would've ridden Marengo, and while Marengo doesn't bite as much, he just doesn't listen instead. I tried riding him once, and he just laid down calmly, and started trying to roll on top of me. Not to hurt me, but just get me off, like I was a naughty child.

I look to Marengo, and Marengo looks back at me, huffs and then looks away like he feels insulted at my gaze.

"...Why? and how?"

"Lizette was scared of 'Sir Tristan'"



My sweet Lizette that drags minotaurs by their feet if she can get to them? That bits ogres bellies and runs off with their organs? 

"And then 'Sir Tristan' got on Marengo, who listened without hesitating."

He keeps saying sir Tristan like he's mocking the name... and he says it with such a happy and devious look on his face that I feel my heart begin to pound with hope.

"Is that even... possible?"

I look down, and feel Lizette pull back.

"But Rosalin said-"

Azzo puts a finger to his lips.

"She had to. After you know who almost got her killed."

I step up to Azzo, putting a hand on his knee as I feel myself chest ache from the hope swelling up in my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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