46 - Death Cults

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Henrietta's Point of View

The saintess.

The one chosen by the goddess of life, Eostra, to save us from the demon lord.

That's the official description.

However, there is more. To accompany the saintess, exceptionally skilled warriors will join her on the quest. Children born to powerful families.

But skills, talents and fates are not the purview of the goddess of life. They belong to the god of magic, time, space and fate... and there is always a price to pay for those warriors to remain in balance with the world.


All centered around the childhoods, so that the misfortune won't affect the mission.

It's also the reason many noble families have more than once child... because the death risk for those warriors, is extremely high.

But I have no siblings.

I glance to Johannes, who is going with his Highness to talk with the troops, as Mia returns. It's probably extra punishment for him acting out against Rosalin.

The sibling issue, is also what makes the Troyfort family situation such a tragedy. If Johannes dies, their family will have no leader and no heir.

Johannes made the decision, based on his love and overconfidence in his own skills.

He was a genious... as a child. But after his position was switched with Theodore's, he got lazy. Really lazy.

He does learn a lot faster, than the rest of us, but when he doesn't want to learn, then obviously no progress is made.

I'll be honest, I don't think he is that much stronger than he was when he was 10. Which goes both to show how powerful he was for his age, but also how little he has progressed since then.

While he hasn't been pressed in our demon hunts till now, I know that the demons will get stronger from here on out. He will be forced to improve if he wants to keep impressing Mia... but... will that be enough?

I glance to 'Tristan'. The fake name I came up with.

What did you fight in that massacre to end up like this?

"How is he alive?"

I look to Mia, who looks absolutely shocked at the family cautiously looking out from the farmhouse.

She went in there with Rosalin earlier, but came out saying the child was dead... and yet... there is the child... looking alive...

I glance to Rosalin, and then look to Alice, the healer that went in there with them. She briefly glances behind us towards Johannes and Claudius, and then just - smiles as she answers shamelessly with a made up lie.

"I healed the father, and he was so distraught at his death, that he ended up yelling at him to get up, and beat his chest. I was so shocked when the boy actually gasped, but managed to heal him."

I glance to Mia, who doesn't have lie detection, and see her eyes shine.

Still... Alice is lying.

I can't help but to glance to Rosalin, who is looking... upset at Mia...


Mia looks to Rosalin too though, and then walks up to the kid, and cups his face in her hands... but using a couple fingers to check his pulse.

She looks relieved, but then her eyes tear up, and I can see her smile quiver.

Guilt probably. Seeing that just a hit broght him back probably make her guilty for not trying her usual thing.

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