34 - Silencing Dissent

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Nao/Rosalin's pov

I stare at the window, no longer flashing red either, but I feel sick. 

Something was there. In me. Or in the system. Something angry. It- it talked to me? 

I would have guessed the body's former owner... but... no. 

The words that voice said in my head. Those were the words of something much more powerful and angry than some little refugee girl, because it seemed like it knew another truth... or lived another truth.

Was it Morset?

I hold my stomach, and gulp in an attempt to keep the food inboards.

I'm shivering, and my arms are covered in goose bumps, but thankfully the people around me seem intrigued by worm Joshua struggling in Henrietta's hands.

Henrietta smiles at the origami worm struggling angrily in her hands, seeming fascinated with how much the worm can actually move despite being made of paper. 

"You mustn't leave a mana core inactive and in a body like this, Rosalin, or it'll be possessed. It's lucky, that the body the core is in, is this small, or we might have been in trouble depending on the skills of the ghost possessing it."

..."I see..." I get out half heartedly, trying to pretend something didn't just almost take over my mind.

Joshua flails angrily in between her fingers, and expertly runs the edges of his body and legs across her skin, and though a red line forms on Henrietta's skin, she doesn't flinch.

Joshua flails angrily in between her fingers, and expertly runs the edges of his body and legs across her skin, and though a red line forms on Henrietta's skin, she doesn't flinch

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"Hmmm~ you're quite good, being able to give me a paper cut in this form, but unfortunately, that's all you can do. I'm thankful we put a stop to this before she made something bigger you could possess," she says to Joshua.

She squishes the mana core out of the paper worm body, and puts the magic gem down on the table.

"Your average ghost would probably only be able to squirm around on the table with a body like this. I suppose the heightened spirit activity here brought along some rather old and powerful ghosts. The high priest and the bishop should be fine, since they're stationed here specifically for their high willpower, so that the Blasphemer can't possess them... but I'm worried about the healers and mages..."

Her expression gets grim as she mentions the people at risk, and I recall the girl that healed me, who was said to have a hard time because of the spirits. 

Are the ghosts still following me around after I used that skill? If that's the case, am I making things worse here just by being here quietly? I bite the inside of my lip quietly. I just want to live quietly, I don't want to hurt anyone.

"On another note, the story I just told you most of, is also used as an anti-necromancer weapon, just like most other preaches made in church. As long as they can hear it, they start to go berserk. Showing exactly why they're demons and not humans anymore. Having given up their souls to the god of death."

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