26 - Goblin

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Nao/ Rosalin's Point of View

Goblins. Usually seen as one of the weakest monsters in games, but also seen as cunning and somewhat agile. I've no doubt that that is a goblin, even if a cartoon style game could never properly describe how utterly disgusting this thing is, or the pungent smell of sweat, grime and rotting compost.

I grip the spear tightly and back up a bit, as the gate begins to open. While my hands don't shake, I can hear my breathing go ragged.

The goblin which had, blinded by rage, reached through the gate while screeching and screaming like a struck animal, now glances down to the opening gate, and begins clawing at the bottom of the gate in a maddened fury to get it to open faster.

As the goblin tries to squish its head under the opening gate Johannes let's out a huff of amusement.

"Well, we will find out soon if you really don't have weapons skills, Rosa. Even, it's just a dumb little goblin."

Just a dumb goblin...?

Even a beginner hero that has never fought before should be able to kill it, according to games. But will it really be the same here?

I don't know how to use a spear in the first place, and they didn't show me either.

If it just charges in, then should I just hold the spear out straight and hope it runs into it?

Should I swing the spear?


The goblin screeches, and scratches and crawls under the opening gate with anger in its glossy eyes, as froth slides down its cheeks.

Adrenaline rushes through my head as the goblin finally slips under the gate and charges at me with uncontrolled bestial fury with its hands first... and then it stops in its place.

It's eyes suddenly widens as it states at me, as though it finally took a good look. Then it looks above us, all around the arena, until it's eyes locks onto Johannes talking with one of his green mantled knights, and Johannes shoves the knight to the side with an irritated huff.

...it starts to smile.

It's glossy yellow eyes gleam at me, as an eerie laughter like sound begins to crackle from its froth coated lips.

A chill runs down my back. Why is it laughing? No, wait, I should attack. I should have attacked while it looked away!

It's still busy laughing, maybe that counts as an opening!

Just copy the movement from games. I think the combo went swing, and then use the momentum for a swing and then hit again and put back before giving a charge stab.

I raise the spear to strike across the laughing goblin, as I barely note the goblin's eyes narrow. Obviously it has seen it, but if I can just hit it before it parries, is the thought that runs through my mind before I strike the spear down like an executioner's axe.

The spear sings in the air.

A tear slips from the goblin's eye, followed by an effortless step, and an effortless slap. Causing the spear to sink harmlessly into the sand next to it.

The goblin almost keels over laughing, with tears roll down its cheek. It's mocking me, but it... Feels real. The goblin is laughing at me harder after effortlessly deflecting my attack.

Am I that bad?

"That spear isn't for swinging! It's for stabbing!"


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