3 - Forcefully Regained Composure

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After running as far away from that horrid place as I could, I finally collapse onto the forest floor gasping large, desperate breaths of air into my lungs, that sear with a cold burn, and fill my mouth with the taste of blood. Even while I now sit, my legs still tremble.

I can't... run anymore.

So many stars flicker in my vision that it feels like the fireworks in summer. This lack of energy... and I couldn't puke earlier either. When's the last time this body had something to eat or drink?

The  z o m b i e  knight stops up in front of me. While I've been running desperately for my life, he has been running like it was a refreshing jog, and now looks at me with what I can only interpret as 'already tired?' even though I know zombies aren't sentient.

"Don't- look at me- like that," I pant out and gulp to wet my dry throat.

The last thing I saw before I fled, was the tips of jaws spearing through the pile of corpses, where the monster had appeared, and then swung the disappearing monster up and into its hungry maw, with movements heavy and violent enough to make the ground rumble. It was enough to make me temporarily push everything else aside and just get out of there. I shudder at the thought.

I can't feel the ground shaking anymore, but it might just be because it stopped moving, rather than me being far enough away from that place. I tremble quietly at the thought of it crawling through the forest.

At least the worst of the smell of death is gone. It's somewhat tolerable to breathe now... but...

I want to go home. I want none of this be real. Yet these hands that aren't mine, are real.

The image of the bicycle handle in the creek flashes through my mind.

I- I died, didn't I?

My vision blurs with tears.

I died... alone, like that? Betrayed by my fiance and my friends, and with a vow of hatred being the last thing on my mind.

This is hell.

I bite my dry lips, before taking a deep breath, as I struggle to hold in the overflowing tears rolling down my cheeks.

Calm down.

I can't break down here, or I'll die... when I'm safe-

⦗Combat has ended - 1 percent of minion's exp is gained⦘

I stare blankly at the little happy avatar on the level up screen, as it waves its little arms happily

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I stare blankly at the little happy avatar on the level up screen, as it waves its little arms happily.

The out of place blue screen, and the happiness it shows sends a wave of helplessness and frustration through my body.

Are you kidding me? After being sent to that place, nearly dying, fleeing for my life, being face to face with an actual zombie, which is still bleeding on the ground next to me in this dark and damp forest... you make an avatar like this?

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