Watch Your Back, Mack

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"Congratulations. Another good weekend. You were the overall high score junior group." Miss Abby says, "That's important. That's where we wanted to be. We wanted to be number one. Let's get to the pyramid."

Wait, why are there 9 pictures? Aren't they supposed to be only 8? 

Instead of revealing the ones of the bottom, she revealed the one of the top first. And we all know that it is Maddie.

"Maddie, you were the overall high score. I gave you a job to do: to teach your sisters and to make sure that they could keep up with you, and that's what you did. You took charge."

Maddie smiles as Miss Abby reveals the next headshot.

"Paige. You did a great job. It was darling." She reveals the next headshot, "Kendall, you were third place overall. Hey, it wasn't second. Thanks goodness." Next one, "We have Chloe. Chloe, you were the first overall high score in the junior solo division"

That was short.

"Nia, once again, you didn't draw my eyes in a negative way. That's very admirable."


"Next, Melanie. On the trio you looked gorgeous alongside your sisters, even though you didn't use your face at all, again, but in the group dance, you were a hot mess."

Thanks for remembering me about that.


Paige   Kendall   Chloe

Nia   Melanie   Mackenzie   Brooke

The picture beside Brooke's was still not shown. There's another person, but who is that?

"Now, you see another picture. We have a new member of the team." Miss Abby announces as she reveals the new headshot, "She made the commitment, and now Asia will be joining the Abby Lee Dance Company."

We all look at each other. I have no clue who this Asia girl is, but on the picture she has the same pose as Kenzie, and Kenzie is also kind of hurt with the foot thing. Coincidence?

"Now, we are going to Energy Dance in Highland, Michigan. And I know for a fact that the Wicked Witch of the West and her crappy little apples are going to be there. You are the reigning national winners for Energy Dance. You cannot wall in there this weekend any less." Miss Abby tells us, "We are doing a group routine. The title of the routine is 'Return to Grace.' That group routine will be without Mackenzie, Melanie and Asia."

•Two Days To Competition•

"Today's the day!" I exclaim as I enter the Dancer's Den with Emma and Klara.

"The day of Liam's surprise?" Emma asks.

"No, the day that the new girl's coming." I tell them and we start stretching

"Ooh, the Asia girl." Klara says, "I've already heard so much about her, I'm excited. It's gonna be juicy."

"Juicy?" I ask, "What do you mean juicy?"

She shows me her Caprisun juice.


"Melanie." Paige and Kenzie walk over to me.

"Mhm?" I look at the to of them.

"What if you go to the front desk and wait for the new ones to come?" Paige asks.

"It's a dare!" Kenzie adds.

"Sure." I slowly stand up, adjust my dance clothes, tighten my ponytail and walk out of the Dancer's Den.

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