Cheerleader Blues

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I enter with the rest of the girls to studio A, to pyramid.

"Vivi-Anne, where's you dance clothes?" Miss Abby asks Vivi as we all sit down on the floor.

"It's in the car." Vivi answers.

"You need to be dressed and ready to dance when you walk in this building, yes?" Vivi nods.

I don't know what Cathy was thinking.

Miss Abby starts talking and I just wonder, will Vivi get a solo before me?

"Your mom was upset about the costume." We look over to Nia, "Your mom was upset about the costume even before you went onstage." We look at Chloe, "But that cannot happen again."

I look over to Holly and Christi, and back to Miss Abby.

"Let's talk about what we're gonna do this weekend. We're going to New Jersey, and we are going to do an acrobatic gymnastic routine." Miss Abby announces, "Overall, I evaluated all of your performances. So, Maddie, you won that competition and the title. So I'm gonna leave you right here where you were." Maddie nods.


Chloe  Brooke

Nia  Paige  Mackenzie  Vivi-Anne  Melanie

"Brooke, I expect you to help the younger students. And I expect you to know the choreography first and help everybody else." Miss Abby tells Brooke, "All right, Nia, Paige, you'll be doing the tumbling part and the acro part. Vivi-Anne, because you're new here, and you really don't know all of our terminology, I'm gonna work with you privately this week. And so you're gonna do a solo at the competition this weekend."

My mouth opens in shock, why does Vivi get to do a solo before Kenzie and I?

"All right, girls, get up, get ready to rehearse." Miss Abby says and we all stand up, "Moms, thank you very much. Vivi, don't forget-- You need to be in dance clothes whenever you walk in this room, ready to go."


We were all at studio A, and we were doing some chin stands.

"May I speak to you a minute?" Dawn asks, entering Studio A.

"No." Miss Abby answers, "I'm in rehearsal."

"I just want to speak to you." Dawn tells Miss Abby, "You don't throw my kid out of class, I paid for class."

"She's not dressed appropriately." Miss Abby says.

"I'm looking at every single kid out here, Abby! They all look like children, isn't that crazy, that children look like children?" Dawn starts yelling, "She's dressed appropriately."

"You're a minister--" Miss Abby tells her.

"Yes, I am a minister!" Dawn yells, "Let's play the bible game, Abby! When Jesus saw things that were wrong, he went after it! And I'll tell you what, I'm not going to do this to my kid!"

We all leave Studio A and go to the Dancer's Den.

"We escaped!" Maddie cheers as we all sit down.

"Reagan, goodbye. Out."

No way.

They both enter the Dancer's Den and I leave with Kenzie again. This time, we went to Studio B, where there was a class with the seniors happening.

"Because I went to school, unfortunately--" I hear Dawn and we both sigh.

It's like they keep on following us.

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