Chapter 5

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Just a heads up that this chapter and a few after contain mentions of sexual assault and domestic violence.

"Leah," Natania mutters, still unconscious. Gretchen notices that one of the wolves, a grey one with fresh wounds in his throat, flinches at the name.

They're tied up in the back of the van. Gretchen's hands are tied behind her and her feet trapped together, she's not gagged though Natania has a basket muzzle attached to her, looking quite ridiculous on her human skin. There's also a complicated looking chain harness around her neck and torso that's connected to the bottom of the van. They want the wolf trapped regardless of what form she takes.

They've been driving for almost an hour from her count and Natania hasn't woken up yet. No one has spoken to her, though they did seem confused on what to do with her. That tells her Natania was the target, and they hadn't known Gretchen would be present. She's not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Aside from the driver there are four other people, two of them in wolf form. She assumes the others are also beast bound due to them seeming to communicate with the wolves without speaking.

The second wolf, all black except for the white tip on his tail, snaps at the one that flinched and the grey one snarls back. Gretchen can't tell which one is actually in charge even though Natania has mentioned before that it's always easy to tell. Maybe for people who lived with wolves their whole lives.

She fiddles with the bindings on her hands while the wolves are distracted with their argument. It's not much use, the bindings are professionally done.

"Don't bother," one of the humans growls. The wolves turn their attention to her and the grey one creeps forward, shifting into human form.

Gretchen raises her eyebrows, he looks like a teenager, out of place compared to the rest of their kidnappers who look like they belong in prison.

"What are you?" the boy asks, his voice soft. "Why are you with Natania?"

Gretchen frowns at the questions. Are these wolves Natania's old pack? She clears her throat. "I'm human, completely mundane." She shrugs.

"What is your business with Natania?" he repeats, tilting his head.

"Ask her," Gretchen nods towards Natania's unconscious form.

The boy laughs. "I would, you see, but she's unconscious. I don't know what you know of the world, but even we can't walk in dreams."

"You don't have a reversal agent for the drug?" Gretchen asks, stalling for time.

The boy frowns. "A what?"

Gretchen can't tell if he's being serious or not. "A reversal agent? Another drug that makes the original drug ineffective."

"Oh. No, she will wake up in time."

"What do you want with her?"

"We are taking her back home."

Gretchen nods at Natania. "A lot of restraints for a family reunion."

The black wolf snarls at the boy but he ignores it. "She may not be happy to come home, but we need her." He walks over and kneels by Natania, placing a gentle hand on her head. He looks back at Gretchen. "My name is Branson, Natania was raised with my family until she was ten, she is my family and I wish her no harm."

He bares his teeth at the other wolf. "Rigaldo wants his mate back unharmed."

"He would rather harm me himself." Natania startles everyone when she speaks. She tries to sit up but the chain on her neck doesn't allow it so she lays awkwardly on her side.

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