Chapter 19

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She knows it isn't real this time, Leah died years ago, but that doesn't stop the horror at seeing her mate tied to a stake. Natania tries to run to her but ghostly hands grab at her ankles and pull her to the ground.

Leah screams as a fire is lit below her feet and Natania is forced to watch as she burns alive. Only once there is silence is she able to stand and walk. Tears stream down her face and a voice whispers that this is her fault, that she could have saved her if she'd been stronger.

The scene changes again and again, each time it's another fear, Rigaldo, her father, Leah suffering, dying. Each time she fails to save her, each time it's her fault. She doesn't know how much time has passed when she finally wakes up in a dark black cell.

"You're awake at last." A voice she doesn't recognize sounds by her head and Natania flinches. "It's okay, the witch is gone for now, but she'll be back soon. She always comes back for her new prey."

Natania glances in the direction of the voice. It's dark but she can just make out the shape of a... "What are you?" Natania coughs out. It's not something she recognizes.

The creature moves closer until it can touch the bars of her cell and she sees that it's some sort of goblin. There's a hat on its head and a small pool of blood on top. Something probes at her memory, but she can't grasp the thought.

"Humans call us red-caps," he says, she can tell it's a he, because, aside from the hat, he doesn't wear any clothes.

"If they lose all the blood in their hat they die." Natania whips around at the new voice, she knows what this one is, though she's only heard about them in stories. She looks human, but her hair glows like embers and there are feather-like ruffles along her arms. A phoenix.

"What is this place?" Natania asks, even though she knows the answer, she doesn't want to admit it. She curls her arms around her knees, grateful that she, at least, is clothed.

"The Collector's collection," the red cap supplies.

"She has many creatures here to feed from, but they'll all get a break now that you're here." The phoenix smiles sympathetically. "The witch is like a child when she has new prey. Using them until they break."

Natania shudders. She doesn't want to think about that. "How can she keep a phoenix? Aren't you supposed to die every night?"

"Normally, yes. Do you really think a witch wouldn't find a way around that?"

Natania sighs with defeat. Of course she could.

There's a clattering on the far side of the room, all sorts of snarls, squeals and shouts rise up until Natania can't hear anything else. It gets closer and then there's a tray of food shoved under her door. The noise dies down.

"Don't eat it, if you can help it," the red cap says, as he strolls to his own and starts eating. His eyes start to stream and he makes choking noises but he doesn't stop devouring the food that's clearly poisoned with something.

Natania curls up as far away from the door as she can get, shifting to her wolf form to keep warm.

"Your wolf is pretty," the phoenix says. She didn't get any food and Natania figures it's something to do with whatever is keeping the phoenix from dying in the first place.

Natania just stares at her, unwilling to change forms to talk.

"I didn't want to talk in my first week either. You should get some rest."


It's been at least two weeks. The witch feeds her more fear-filled nightmares every day. Each time she knows it's not real, each time it terrifies her just the same.

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