Chapter 26

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Chloe's P.O.V


That's how I'm feeling at this moment.

Standing on his balcony, looking at everything playing out in front of my eyes as tears run down my cheeks. 

My heart hurts for him and I can't even start to imagine what he must be feeling. The sound of his sobs and scream almost made my knees buckle. Anyone hearing him can easily feel his pain radiating through them.

I grip the handle and try to see if his door is unlocked, but today isn't a lucky day. He turns his head towards me at the sound and approaches me but instead of letting me in, he shuts me out.

"Leave, " he says to me through the closed door.

"Let me in, " I say, desperate to do the only thing I can think of at the moment, and that's to hold him in my arms.

"Leave!" He yells, startling me.

I never thought I would ever hear his voice raise at me and in such a way that it almost makes me want to listen to him.


Without waiting for a response from me he turns his back to me and slides down the glass door, gripping his hair in his hands. I turn as well and sit down, resting my back like he does, letting the tears fall down my face as I sit there for hours hearing him cry unable to do anything. 

I knew his parents were strict, but I didn't know how heartless they were.

Where the hell is his mother anyway? How can she allow this to happen? Does she not see how her son is hurting? Does she agree with his father's way? Does she take any part in this? or does she sit by and let her husband do whatever he wants with their son?

I hug my knees closer to my chest, feeling the cold breeze tickling my skin as I watch the sun slowly disappearing. I'm not sure how many hours, I've been sitting here but the good thing is that Ian seems to have calmed down a bit now.

I almost fall backwards as the door slides open and closes again. Ian sits next to me, placing a warm blanket over the two of us.

"Ian, " I whisper, looking at his tear-stained face.

"I don't want to talk about it, " he says with a shaky voice. 

His eyes fill with tears again but this time he does his best to blink them away.

I bring my hands on his shoulders indicating for him to lay down, resting his head on my lap. I rest one arm over his shoulder and the other brush his hair with my fingers in hopes that it will help him relax.

"I don't regret it, just so you know, " he says after sitting in silence for quite some time.

"What are you referring to?" I ask, even though I think I know the answer.

"Talking to you, befriending you, going out with you, I don't regret anything when it comes to you, " he says softly.

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I know you'll start blaming yourself for what happened today. Blaming yourself for inviting me to the trip, for not understanding the extent of my parent's strictness even though there was no way for you to know about it," he says, only stopping to let out a sigh.

"I was the one that reassured you that I'll be fine. I told you that I'll deal with my parents just like I have so many times before. I should've expected that this time things would've been worse since I disobeyed such a rule, to be honest, but I wasn't. So, don't blame yourself please it would only make me feel worse. "

"Okay, I promise I'll try not to blame myself," I say.

His words were true.

I had already started damming myself for letting him come with me and not thinking it through more. I am angry at myself for just going with him even though I was aware of the, probably number one rule they had for him.

I am even more angry at his parents though for the way they treat him. They treat him as if he doesn't have a soul or dreams of his own, like an object that belongs to them and as if that wasn't enough, they took away from him the only thing that belongs to him only. 

They took away his dreams, his feelings, his whole world. Just like that in a snap of a finger, it was gone. It collapsed right in front of his eyes as the only thing he could do was just sit there and watch, fully knowing that he couldn't overpower his dad.

Ian is a tall guy and fairly muscular don't get me wrong, but his dad is taller and heavier than him. Ian's strength is minuscule in front of his dad.

He was powerless. I hate that word.

I needed to do something to mend Ian's broken heart and fast cause, I don't really know how he truly feels and I'm worried about him. I already know what's the first thing I need to do and maybe the second one but, that'll have to wait until tomorrow.

He lifts his head from my lap and straightens up breaking my chain of thoughts.

"You should go back to your room, is getting really cold, " he says not looking at me.

A part of me wants to stay with him for longer but it probably will be for the best to listen to him right now.

"Okay, " I whisper.

Standing up I put the rest of the blanket that was resting on my shoulders around him and before I leave, I lean down and peck his temple.

Once I'm back in my room, I put on my jacket, grab my keys, and put on some, one use kitchen gloves. I rush downstairs to the big bins and open them up, hoping that I can find Ian's paintings and that not many people came out to put their trash on top. 

I grab the first two black bin bags and open them up but it's just trash.  I keep bringing out trash bags until I finally found the two that I needed.

"Yes, " I say under my breath, putting all the other bags back inside the bins.

I picked up the two bags and rush back to the apartment but quickly stop in my tracks once I reach the door as I realise I'll have to walk past my parents in the living room to go to my room. 

Well shit, this will be interesting. 

I can't help but throw a glance at my parents whilst walking past them, seeing my dad looking at me with furrowed eyebrows and lips pressed tightly together while my mum sits next to him with her mouth hanging open. 

I mean I do kinda look crazy right now, holding two trash bags in my hands going to my room so their expressions are expected. 

"Um, sweetheart, are you okay?" My dad asks me, eyeing the trash bags.

"Perfect!" I smile at them through grinding teeth before rushing back into my room.

I get rid of the gloves and wash my hands well before opening the bags and removing carefully one by one all of his paintings. Deciding that they need some dusting off I go and grab a cloth from the kitchen and give another big smile to my parents that look at me with wide eyes, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. 

I clean all of his paintings and stack them all in front of one another in one corner of my room before going to have a much-needed shower. I do my nighttime skincare routine and change into my pyjamas all whilst trying not to dwell on what happened earlier today and instead focus on what's to come tomorrow. 

Laying in bed I let my gaze drift to his paintings, wanting tomorrow to come quickly so I can see him again. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, next one is out on Wednesday!

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Hope you have a nice week! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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