Chapter 30

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Ian's P.O.V

I watch as the sole of my shoe gets imprinted on the stocked up snow as we walk through the white grass of a nearby park. The snow is soft making my shoe sink in it similar to how the artificial sand felt beneath my feet. Chloe holds my upper arm to steady herself as the snow comes up to her calf. 

"As much as I like snow, I really hate the sinking part of it, " she says, kicking her leg above the snow.

"I don't really mind it, " I say, shrugging whilst griping her hand to steady her.

"That's because you're taller and stronger so your legs don't sink that far down, " she says pointing her finger down at my feet.

"Then get taller, " I say.

"Yeah, haha that's funny jackass, " she says through her teeth before plopping down on the bench.

I brush off most of the snow on it, so my ass won't freeze and join her, lifting one of my legs on the bench.

"So how do you feel being out on the snow?" She asks, holding her legs close to her chest and watching the snow on the ground.

"It's nice, " I say, looking around to see a lot of kids and younger people running around and throwing snowballs at each other.

"Just nice?" She looks at me.

"Well, yeah, " I say, I don't have any other word to describe the feeling.

"I'm asking because I expected a much more detailed and deep explanation like the one for the stars, " she says, smiling.

"I don't have any deeper feelings for the snow only that is nice and brightens up my day, " I say.

"Here, " she says, leaning down and scooping up some snow, forming it into a ball.

"Feel it, " she says before throwing it at my face.

"What the fuck!" I say as I brush off the extremely cold snow on my cheek.

"Why did you have to throw that at my face?" I ask.

"Well, your face is the only visible part of your skin so if I threw it at your chest, you wouldn't be able to feel it, " she says, helping me brush off the remaining snow from my cheek whilst smiling at me.

"You could have told me to remove my gloves for a second or gently touch the ball to my face not violently attack me with it!" I say, trying to keep myself calm as even the smallest touch from her makes my stomach turn.

"Oops, I didn't think about that, " she says, giggling.

"Yeah, well did you think about this?" I say before throwing a snowball at her face that I manage to gather when she was giggling looking away from me.

"Ah!" She yelps as the ball hit her so fast and hard that she fell off the bench.

I couldn't keep my laughter in at the scene.

"Oh, now you're going to get it, " she says, gathering more snow.

"Oh, shit, " I say and rush to get as far away from her as I could while collecting snow at the same time to defend myself.

"Hey, get back here!" She yells whilst she starts sprinting at me.

"Take this!" She says and not even a second later a snowball hit my back.

"That's the best you can do?" I yell, turning around and launching a snowball at her hitting her in her chest.

"Yes, " I whisper to myself, laughing.

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