Chapter 61

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Ian's P.O.V

"So how are things with you and Felix? You guys hang out yesterday, " Frankie asks.

The boys came to hang out with me only just 10 minutes ago. Both me and Frankie are dying to know what happened between Eddie and Felix. We all got comfortable on my bed with me sitting with my back on the headboard and one of my legs bent, Frankie sits across from me criss-cross, leaning back on his palms while Eddie lays sideways beside me starting at the sheets.

Things aren't going great it seems for Eddie and Felix. 

"Yeah, we did hang out yesterday and he brought up some things that concern him, but nothing was resolved, partially because we didn't want to ruin the valentine's day mood, " he says, letting out a big sigh.

We both watch him, silently waiting for him to continue whenever he's ready. He bents his elbow and rests his head on the palm of his hand.

"He wants to take things a little faster and wants to get a little bit more intimate and I just don't want that yet. He also wants me to show my feelings more towards him, but even if I want to do that, I don't know-how. I really like Felix but I'm not sure whether I am what he wants. I don't know if I can be who Felix wants me to be."

Shit, things are worse than what I and Frankie thought.

"Felix has experience with dating guys before, I don't. This is the first time I'm actually pursuing things with a guy. It's something new to me. I don't know how different it would be, if any at all, to be in a relationship with a guy than with a girl, " he turns and falls on his back, looking at the ceiling.

"I don't want to rush things just because he wants to take it faster. I don't want to pressure myself to become more intimate with him if I'm not ready to do so. I don't want to do anything that I know I will regret later. That's how things are going, " he says.

"Wow, that's pretty shitty mate, " Frankie says as I throw him the look.

"Thanks for the observation Frankie, " Eddie says, putting his arm over his eyes.

"You need to sit down with him and tell him what you just said to us. Explain to him how you're feeling and how he is making you feel, " I say.

"You shouldn't change for anyone Eddie, " I add quickly.

"I know I shouldn't change for him, and I don't want to, but at the same time, I really like him. I want things to work out between us and I know that relationships require compromises, " he says, removing his arm from around his eyes and letting it fall on his side.

"Yeah, but comprise from both people, not just one, " Frankie says.

Now that I'm looking at Frankie again, he seems to be lost in his thoughts. He's here but not all the time. I'll just have to ask him once we're done with Eddie's problem.

"I agree with Frankie on this. If Felix wants things to work, he should understand your point of view and respect your wishes and you guys need to find a middle ground, " I say, pushing my pillow higher against my back to be more comfortable.

"You guys are right, but it's easier said than done."

"Yeah, but the quicker you get on doing that, the better for both of you, " I say.

"Ugh, I know, I'll text him now to decide when to meet and talk, " he lets out a sigh and sits up grabbing his phone.

I turn to look at Frankie again to see if I can figure out what is his problem.



"What's bothering you?" I ask, making Eddie look up at him as well from his phone, furrowing his eyebrows.

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