Chapter 44

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Ian's P.O.V

Who would've thought that at some point in life I'll be having a date night with Chloe, eating chicken and veggie stir fry with noodles while sitting on the couch binge-watching La casa de Papel? I certainly didn't but I'm happy it's happening. 

Two days ago, I really thought that I lost Chloe. Not only as a potential partner but as a friend as well with the way I talk to her. I didn't mean half of the things I said that night, but the alcohol, as well as my anger, just tip me off the edge.

"So, who's your favourite character so far?" Chloe asks me before taking another bite.

Chloe's parents went out for dinner with some of their friends, so she invited me over and we cooked together, by that I mean Chloe made the noodles and I did the rest.

"Rio, I like that kid, " I say, making myself more comfortable on the sofa by bending one leg on it whilst the other dangles down the sofa.

"Mine is Tokyo, " she says.

"Really? She's..., " I began saying before she interrupts me.

"Threat carefully, " she says, pointing her fork at me.

"A bitch, " I finish my sentence by smiling at her.

"Yeah, I know, that's why I like her, " she says going back to eating.

"Anyways, I wanted us to actually talk about something, well more like I wanted to ask you a couple of things, " she says.

"Go on, " I say nodding.

"How come you changed your mind about us so quickly, in like a day only?" She turns her body to rest her back on the armrest of the sofa so she can look at me.

"Well, first of all, I wasn't thinking straight that night. I was drinking and my mind was a bit of a haze but anyway. The changing point for me was when you went out on a date with Jacob. I didn't actually think you would, not that soon at least and it shook me. At that moment, I really thought that I lost you, " I stop to take a sip of my water as my throat was becoming dryer by the second talking about this.

"I was panicking internally as you spoke about how nice it was and all that shit. I started thinking if I was going to be able to live with myself knowing that we liked each other and we could've been together, but I push you away because I was afraid of getting my heart broken. Thinking if I was going to be able to stay friends with you even after you would have gotten with Jacob. Just the thought of having to see you with him and hearing you talk about him and your relationship, I think would've killed me. I wouldn't be able to just sit there and take it, " I say, brushing my hair back.

"I'm really glad you changed your mind, " she says.

"Oh, really? I wouldn't have guessed!" I say, smirking at her as she fakes a glare and pushes my leg with her feet.

"I have one more question, " she says, frowning for a second. 

"Go on, " I say.

"Why were you drinking that night? I thought you didn't like alcohol and where did you even find it?" She asks, taking another bite of her food.

"Well, to start, that's technically two questions, " I say, grinning at her as she shoves me again with her leg.

"I don't like alcohol that much, but I got kinda used to the taste of beer now and it doesn't bother me that much. I just needed something to help me relax and stop thinking for some time. As for your second question, I found it in the fridge alongside some others. I didn't think my parents will notice and I was right about that, " I say, finishing off my food and placing the now empty plate on the coffee table.

"You shouldn't drink too much though, " she says, putting her empty plate down as well.

"Don't worry babe. I won't be drinking again anytime soon, " I say, grabbing her legs and dragging them across my lap, making her slide down on the sofa, giggling.

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't want you turning into alcohol or any other substances whenever you feel like that, " she says, sitting up on her elbows without removing her legs from my lap.

"What do you suggest I do?" I ask, already having a couple of things in mind.

"Well, you can paint or take a warm shower. You can listen to music or read a book alternatively or exercise. You can talk to me about anything as well, you know that right? " She says, staring at me.

"Yeah, I know, " I say, brushing some loose strands behind her ear. She put her hair on a low bun leaving a few pieces of hair framing her beautiful face. 

I lean in and peck her lips as I brush my hand up and down her leg. This feels weirdly natural, just us being together and stealing kisses from each other all the time.

"Maybe... I can paint you someday, if you're up for modelling for me, " I say.

"In what pose were you thinking of having me? " Her smile turns into a smirk as she brushes her fingers through my hair.

"I never painted faces or people that much before, but I really want to have multiple paintings of you in various positions. One where you're exactly like this smiling at me. Another where you're naked from the waist and up, I'll let you keep your panties on because I won't be able to concentrate otherwise. I'll be already struggling enough, having your boobs in my face and that sexy look in your eyes, " I say, leaning closer to her and brushing the tip of my nose against hers.

"I like the sound of that, especially the half-naked painting one. We can do that whenever you want, " she says, smiling.

"We'll do it sometime soon, I promise, " I say kissing her.

Her phone beeps cutting our kiss short.

"Ugh!" She rolls off my lap and onto the floor and grabs her phone off the coffee table.

"Oh, Felix is inviting us to go hang out on the rooftop of his apartment building tomorrow late at night, can you sneak out?" She says, turning to see me.

"Yeah, I can. How late are we talking about?" I ask, stretching my legs.

"Perfect! Like 11-11:30 pm," she says, getting on my lap and wrapping her hands around my waist.

"I can definitely sneak out at that time, " I say, nodding. 

"Perfect, oh, and Jacob will obviously be there as well, and I didn't tell any of them yet that we're dating, " she says, biting her lip.

"It's okay, don't worry. He knows anyway that you're interested in me so it shouldn't be a problem. I mean don't get me wrong, it will be awkward, but he'll get over it, " I say caressing her thigh.

"You're right, we'll just have to wait and see how things will go, " she says before leaning in again and kissing me whilst one hand grasps my cheek and the other comes up to my shoulder.

I don't know what the future has in store for us, but I'll definitely cherish this feeling and this girl for as long as I can. 


Things seem to be going well for this two but will things change tomorrow?

Brace yourself for tomorrow's chapter...👀😤

I hope you like this chapter and feel free to comment & vote ❤️

Hope you have a nice day/night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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