Chapter 51

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Ian's P.O.V

Chloe puts the key in and pushes the door open to Felix's apartment. 

It's an open space design with the living area on the far left and then the dining and kitchen area on the right side. It's very modern and bright, with elements of wood giving it some warmth. It's actually very spacious, which I wasn't expecting for a student to be able to afford a place like this, judging by the fact that he doesn't seem to have a flatmate. 

Maybe he or his parents have a lot of money.

"Come on, I'll show you the guest bedroom, so we can put our stuff in there, " Chloe motions me over with her hand, leading me towards a narrow hallway further in.

"The door on the far left is Felix's room with a bathroom connected to it. This is the other bathroom and this door to the right is the guest bedroom, " she says, pointing to every door with her index finger.

"This place is nice. He lives alone I assume?"

"Yeah, he was supposed to have a flatmate, but he dropped out at the last minute, leaving Felix very frustrated and in a panic to find someone else, but he never did, " she opens the door to where we'll be staying as she goes on about Felix's struggle to find a roommate.

The bedroom is nice and cosy. It has a double-size bed in the middle with very soft-looking covers and a side table on each side. There's a big window on the right side and a big armchair beside it. Chloe puts her bag on the dresser across the foot of the bed and I do as well before taking a sit on the bed next to Chloe.

"So, how come he afford this place?" I ask once she stopped rambling.

"Well, Felix was working before, saving money because he wanted to move out once uni started and his parents also helped him of course, so he decided to stay here despite not having someone else sharing the cost with him, " she says, laying back on the bed with a sigh.

"Is he still open to finding a flatmate?" I sit back, holding myself up by my elbow as I push her hair away from her face and neck.

"Yeah, he always is. Maybe Eddie will fill that space with how close those two seem to be getting, " she says, giggling.

"If that happens Eddie will be sharing a bed with Felix, so they can still get a flatmate I think, " I leave my fingers to linger on her jaw.

"Come on, let's get up we'll have all night to spend on the bed, " she winks and jumps off the bed, making me chuckle and shake my head.

I get up and follow her back into the kitchen, seeing her read a paper.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Felix left us a note saying that we can use anything we want from the fridge to cook, but not everything and that we can use the pool if we want as well. He left the key here, " she grabs the white key card off the table and waves it.

"Want to use the pool?" She asks, raising her eyebrows whilst having a small smile on her face.

I check the time on the oven and see that's already 1 pm. We were planning on coming here early in the morning, but she didn't wake up until 11 am.

"Yeah, sure let's go for a little while and then come back and see what we can make for lunch, " I say, shrugging. 

"Great let me just grab two towels, " she rushes to the bathroom, but something just hit me.

"Wait we didn't bring, " she interrupts me seeing as she already knew what I was going to say.

"We can swim in our underwear! I just hope no one else is up there, cause that will be awkward, " she comes back with towels in hand, smiling.

"I think they will enjoy the free show, I mean look at us, " I say, grabbing the towels off her hands and holding them in one hand as the other grabs her small hand in mine.

"Ian, " she says sternly and slaps me playfully on my back.

"I only give private shows to a special someone, " she says, making me turn to see her biting her lip.

"Good to know that cause I would've tied you on the bed if you said otherwise, " I say, looking at her confused facial expression.

"Wait, is that a bad thing or a good thing, I'm debating now if I should've said otherwise, " she says, making me laugh.

"Don't worry babe, I can tie you on the bed either way if you want to, " I say, letting my gaze fall on her body.

"Only sometimes, " she whispers, making me groan.

"Easy tiger, " I say as I feel my dick getting more restricted by the minute with this conversation.

The mental images I have right now are no good for me, I need to cool off.

"Let's go to the pool, " I clear my throat and start moving faster towards the pool upstairs as she laughs at me.

Thankfully no one is lounging at the pool, providing us with the privacy we wanted. I take off my hoddie as I watch intensely Chloe removing her black leggings and black crop top leaving her almost naked in my sight.

Fuck, I need to keep it together!

I take off my joggers as I trail my gaze up and down her body. Her plain black underwear is covering almost her entire ass from me, and the black lacey bra gives her small boobs a nice lift. 

She walks towards the pool and gracefully gets in, submerging her body into the water for a second before coming up again and pushing her hair back.

"Are you just going to stand there half-naked watching me?" She asks, smiling.

"No, I was just mesmerized by you for a second, " I approach the pool and get in swimming towards her until we're chest to chest.

This feels like déjà vu!

I wrap my arms around her waist and gently pushed her back until her back rests on the wall. The water is quite cold, helping me cool down but the fire in me is still going. I lean my head in until my lips are resting on her shoulder whilst her hands tangle in my hair. I place a kiss on her shoulder, then on her neck, then on her jaw and cheek before brushing my nose with hers.

We just stare at each other for a few seconds, Chloe's lips part as her gaze falls on mine.

I brush a few strands of hair that stuck to her cheek behind her ear and cup her jaw before leaning in and pressing my lips against her. I move one hand away from her waist and onto her upper thigh. I trail my fingers up and down slowly, letting only my fingertip graze her soft skin.

I lick her bottom lip before letting my teeth bite it gently. I feel her grip on me get tighter as her knees buckle. I bring my other hand to the back of her neck as I bring her body closer to mine. My tongue meets hers as the kiss deepens, raising both of our heartbeats higher as we try to breathe without letting go of each other.

Finally, I pull away when I feel like she's going to pass out if she doesn't breathe properly, still holding her close to me.

"Come on, let's go make something to eat, I'm hungry, " I say, pecking her lips one more time before getting out of the pool.

"Are you kidding me?"

Her eyes are wide, watching my every move as she licks her lips which are extra plumb and red from the intensity of the kiss.

"No, I'm not, now get your pretty ass out of the pool, " I say, smirking and drying myself with one of the towels. 

"Fucking tease, " I hear her say under her breath as she gets out of the pool and yanks the other towel off the chair.

She's adorable when she's sexually frustrated, I like it!


Ian is a tease but maybe he'll redeem himself in a chapter or two... 👀🔞💋🔥

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one on Wednesday!

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Hope you have a nice week! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

Let me love youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora