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   Once Lauren is done for the day we get in her Range Rover and head home. As she is driving she glances at me "Happy birthday Kyler," she says. "Thank you Lauren," I reply. She glances over at me again "we have a surprise for you at home. Your father is supposed to leave work at four so we can take you out for a birthday dinner." I smile "you guys don't have to do anything for me. Enough has already been done by y'all providing for me and there is absolutely nothing I need." Lauren laughs and shakes her head "you are something else Kyler. Are you sure you're only 18?"

When we get home I go up to my room to relax a bit while waiting on my sperm donor to get home. I still haven't told him I am a lesbian. I'm just not ready yet for some reason. It's still weird between us but he is making an effort so I guess I should too but I still can't bring myself to call him dad. Lying on my bed I start feeling sleepy so I close my eyes to take a nap.

I faintly hear someone calling my name and feel a soft hand on my cheek. I slowly open my eyes to see Lauren standing by my bed leaning over me. "God you are so beautiful. What I wouldn't give to lean up and kiss those lips. I could wake up to this view everyday." I say in my head as I'm looking up at Lauren but suddenly realize I said it out loud by the look on her face. She opens and closes her mouth a few times and I quickly try to make the situation better. "I'm sorry Lauren, I didn't mean..." but she cuts me off. "You're fine, I-I mean it's fine Kyler. It's fine" and her cheeks are tinted bright red.

God she is so cute when blushing. I just can't stop myself when it comes to her. I am brought out of my thoughts when Lauren says "umm... y-your umm... your dad's in the kitchen and... and he wants us to give you your surprise before going out to dinner." Even her stuttering is adorable.

Lauren doesn't say anything else and quickly walks out the door and I go downstairs behind her. Mike is sitting at the island when I get to the kitchen. "Happy birthday Kyler, I can't believe you're 18. Come on to the garage for your birthday present, but you can't peek" he says. He tells Lauren to cover my eyes and lead me into the garage. "S-she can just close them Mike." She stutters out. "No, she could peek so cover her eyes and come on Lauren... now." Mike says a little too harshly which I thought was weird but I didn't say anything.

Lauren swallows hard and gets behind me putting her soft hands over my eyes. The smell of her perfume invades my nose and I just want to always breathe in her scent. She happens to stand close enough that her breasts are against my back and I can feel the heat from her skin on my back through both of our clothes. Hot tingles shoot straight to my core, my breath seems to catch in my throat and my legs feel weak.

I swear there is sexual tension between us. I can feel it and I know Lauren can too even though she would never admit it. She has to feel it. I cannot move for a few seconds and I have to stop myself from leaning into her so I can feel more of her body against me.

Lauren clears her throat and I know she feels something too. She moves away from me a little so her body is not against mine "o-okay K-Kyler w-walk forward slowly as we follow... your...  dad into the garage."  I don't feel comfortable trying to speak so I just nod my head as we are walking forward. Mike speaks up, "Lauren remove your hands but Kyler, keep your eyes closed." I do as I am told and wait to hear further instructions. I miss the warmth of her skin on my skin.

"Open your eyes now" Mike says loudly. When I open my eyes there is a brand new metallic black Ford Fusion Titanium with black rims and dark tinted windows in the garage. "Happy birthday," he and Lauren say at the same time. I cannot believe they got me a car for my birthday. I always told my mom that I wanted a Ford Fusion Titanium and now I have one. Not just that but it's one of my favorite colors too.

"I wasn't sure what to get you so I figured ..." Lauren cuts in "we... wanted to get you something you could use and something you needed." Mike cuts his eyes to her then hands me the key fob so I can unlock it and check it out. It has a cream interior with leather seats. Plus it has navigation, sunroof, Sony 12 speaker sound system, heated and cooled front seats and heated steering wheel. The car is fully loaded with everything I could have wanted and even things I had not considered wanting in a car.

I get out of the car and awkwardly hug Mike and tell him thank you, then turn around and do the same with Lauren. Only difference is, I hug her a few seconds longer than necessary and it's definitely not an awkward hug. She doesn't seem to mind though or maybe she doesn't think anything of it. Lauren says "I have your parking permit already in the car so you will be able to drive to school tomorrow." I smile at her thoughtfulness. "Thank you Lauren. Now you don't have to have me riding with you." I say. She frowns a little "I enjoy our car rides to and from school together."

I touch her arm and lean in towards her ear "trust me I do too and I will miss them and our afternoons together in your office." I see goosebumps cover Lauren's arms as I pull away from her. I can't help but give her a little wink and watch the blush appear on her cheeks.

"I took off from work for this so we should head to dinner before it gets extremely busy at Olive Garden if you two are done" Mike says harshly. He looks at Lauren "what is wrong with you?" She shakes her head and walks out of the garage. I guess he saw us and it pissed him off. Honestly I forgot he was standing there because I was lost in everything that is Lauren. However, I am kinda surprised he remembered Olive Garden is one of my favorite restaurants since I was little.

Dinner at Olive Garden is pretty good. I asked how they knew Olive Garden was my favorite and Lauren happily said she called Aunt Mary and found out. Of course he wouldn't remember something like that. I should have known better. We talk a little while waiting on our food when Mike can get off of his phone but we don't really talk while eating.

I wish my mom would have been here for my 18th birthday today. I miss her so much but Lauren made today a pretty good day. Mike on the other hand, is a different story. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the car but honestly he acted like my birthday was more of an inconvenience.

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