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Lauren and I finally leave for the day and I take her to Bodacious Brew for coffee and breakfast. We sat on the terrace overlooking the garden. We both got a mocha latte with almond milk and quiche to eat. Lauren loved the view, food and coffee. This has always been one of my favorite coffee shops in Pensacola and I'm glad I got to share that with her.

We get back in the car after breakfast and as Lauren is buckling her seatbelt she says "that was really good, thank you. Now what else do you have planned for today?" I smile as I'm buckling my seatbelt and glance over at her as I pull out of the parking lot.

"Umm, I actually want to take you to the cemetery to see my mom. Only if you're okay with that. If not I understand and I can go by-..." I'm cut off when Lauren grabs my hand that's resting on her thigh and says "Kyler!" She squeezes my hand and says "baby, I would love to meet your mom." I smile as I continue the drive to the cemetery. We get to the cemetery about 25 minutes later and as I start to get out Lauren stops me by pulling me in to peck my lips.

We get out and both walk through the gate as I hold it open. Lauren grabs my hand and squeezes it and that's just the comfort I need right now. My mom was my world and sometimes I feel so lost without her. I lead us to my mom's grave and squat down in front of the headstone. "Mom, I miss you so much everyday. I feel so lost without you here sometimes but I have an amazing woman by my side now that has definitely helped me. I wish you could have met Lauren because you would love her. I love you mom, always and forever."

Lauren squeezes my shoulder and I stand up and look at her. She has tears in her eyes that she's trying to keep from falling. She looks at me and motions to my mom's grave and says "may I?" I nod my head a little confused as Lauren squats down in front of the headstone. She is not speaking to where I can hear her but her mouth is moving and she puts her hand on the headstone. After a couple minutes she stands back up and grabs my hand. We walk back towards the gate and exit the cemetery and get in the car.

Once we both buckle our seatbelts Lauren suddenly says "thank you for bringing me her Kyler. It really means a lot." I smile as I look at her and caress her face. I lean forward and kiss her. "Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot that you are. Now we are headed over to Pensacola Beach to the spot my mom and I always went to. It's a special place to me and I want it to be special to you also." I rest my hand on Lauren's thigh and she places her hand on top of mine entwining our fingers.

Just as we start crossing Pensacola Bay Bridge, I see Lauren look at me from the corner of my eye. It's quite for a couple minutes and she finally says "I'm glad you're taking me to the beach and to the spot that you and your mom shared but I really don't think that can be more special than you taking me to meet your mom. That honestly meant a lot to me." I smile at Lauren as I think about what she said.

I turn onto Fort Pickens Road and drive down to the parking area so we can park and walk to my favorite spot on the beach. "Wait here" I tell Lauren as I get out after popping the trunk. I open the cooler I have in here and put drinks and pre-made lunches inside a picnic basket I had in the trunk too. I grab the picnic basket and blanket then close the trunk. I walk to the passenger side of the car and open Lauren's door.

"Come on babe, let's go have a picnic on the beach." She looks at me kind of shocked then glances down to the picnic basket. "Baby, you did all this for me?" She asks. I nod my head as I grab her hand and lead her to my favorite spot. I lay out the blanket and we sit down as I get the food and drinks out of the picnic basket.

We eat and chat about random things. As I put all the trash back into the picnic basket I look up and see Lauren looking out at the water. "It's so beautiful." She says as she turns her head to look at me. "You sure are." I say and she blushes at my comment. She stands up to stretch and looks back out to the water shaking her head as she laughs.

With Lauren's attention away from me, I feel like this is the perfect moment. I reach into the picnic basket and grab the ring box and stand up behind her. I put my right hand with the box behind my back as I say her name. When she turns around I grab her left hand.

"Lauren, I know things were hard when we first started dating. We had to fight to be together and constantly prove to our families that we loved each other and belonged together. Regardless of everything, we are here together and that's what matters. I love that you're the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see at night."

"I could go on and on for days about how beautiful, magnificent and amazing you are but it still wouldn't do you justice. When I first heard you laugh I knew I wanted to hear that wonderful sound everyday for the rest of my life. Your smile, god you smile is stunning and makes my heart race everytime you smile at me."

"I love you so much that I can't imagine my life without you. I know we haven't been together very long and I know I'm still young but I don't want to waste any time." My hands are slightly shaky as I pull the ring box from behind my back and get down one one knee. As I open the box, Lauren gasps and her right hand covers her mouth.

"I want to love you for the rest of my life. So Lauren Alisa James, will you make me the happiest woman on earth and marry me?" She doesn't say anything and I start to worry. "I-I understand if you don't want to..." I am cut off by her grabbing my face with both hands and kissing me. With the ring box in one hand I reach up with my free hand and cup her face as I kiss her back. I feel dampness against my face and as I pull away from the kiss I see Lauren is crying.

"Yes, yes of course I want to marry you, Kyler. I love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together." She says through tears of joy as she smiles at me and wipes her eyes. I reach for her left hand and slide the ring onto her finger and it fits perfectly. She gasps as she looks at the ring and starts crying again. "K-Kyler, it's so beautiful." She says.

Tears that I have been holding back finally escape my eyes as I cup Lauren's face with both hands and kiss her passionately. We break the kiss and I rest my forehead against hers as I whisper "I love you Lauren" for only her to hear. She starts crying again and kisses me then says "I love you too Kyler."

I Loved You Before I Met YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum