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This little spur of the moment trip is more of a blessing in disguise and I know in my heart it is the perfect time to do what I have been dreaming a lot about recently. Hell, I've been dreaming about this before I even graduated. I already have the perfect spot in mind to make all my dreams come true. With a little help from Aunt Mary and Katie I know this will be perfect, at least I hope it will be.

First thing I am going to do though is make a phone call that I'm actually kind of nervous about, especially since the conversation is one I wanted to do in person. And this conversation should honestly be done in person but I just can't pass up this perfect moment I have while here in Pensacola. Hopefully once I explain that, everything will be fine.

As Aunt Mary and I are on our way back to her house, we ride in silence for a few minutes until I finally speak. "I need you to help me with something, please. I need you to keep Lauren occupied tomorrow morning while Katie and I go somewhere."

She glances at me with a confused look on her face. "Exactly where are you going that I need to keep Lauren occupied? I figured you were going to show her around and spend your time with her." She turns her attention back to the road not glancing at me again while waiting on my answer.

I smile just thinking about Lauren. "I am going to show Lauren around and spend most of my time with her. I just need Katie to go with me tomorrow to help me pick out a ring."

Aunt Mary looks at me with raised eyebrows and asks "what kind of ring are you buying that you need...?" Her question stops as realization sets in on what I want to do. "Wait, what?" my aunt asks like she is still trying to understand.

"I want Katie to go with me to pick out an engagement ring for Lauren." I state.

Aunt Mary quickly pulls over on the side of the road and puts the car into park and looks at me and says, "You're going to propose to Lauren? Kyler, you can't be serious? You're not but 18 sweetheart. I don't think..."

I cut my aunt off right there before she says anything else. "I thought you supported our relationship, Aunt Mary? I love Lauren and even though being in a relationship still scares me, I know without a doubt that I want to marry her. I know we haven't been together long and it doesn't matter if I'm 18 or 38, I know what I want."

Aunt Mary shakes her head "I do support your relationship but I think you should wait until you finish college, then see how you feel. Who knows, you might meet someone in college and fall in love with them. I just don't want you to rush into anything. You have to be smart here Kyler. I don't want to see you get hurt. Are you even ready to get married or are you doing this to try and make Lauren stay with you?"

I look at Aunt Mary and shake my head then look out the window. I can't believe she is acting like this and saying all that shit. She knows damn well that I love Lauren and if we didn't see a future together then we wouldn't have been through what we have just to be with each other. Does she really think I'm not good enough for Lauren?

"Of course I'm ready. I will be honest because I am nervous about getting married and I guess scared Lauren might say no but this is what I want."

Aunt Mary looks at me then out the window while shaking her head. Finally she says "you're only 18 Kyler. I'm just concerned and wouldn't give permission for ...."

"Good thing I'm not asking for your permission. I'm just asking if you can keep Lauren occupied in the morning. If not I will get Katie to do it and go by myself to pick out a ring." I glance at Aunt Mary and she sighs then puts the car in drive and pulls back out onto the road to head back to her house.

"Kyler, I'm sorry, okay. I just don't want you rushing into something and getting your heart broken. I'm not saying Lauren will break your heart but she is a good bit older than you and already knows what she wants in life. I just feel like it's too soon." Aunt Mary says as she pats my arm that's resting on the center console.

I know she is looking out for me but I would rather have her full support instead. I have no doubt in my mind that I want to wake up next to Lauren for the rest of my life.

"Katie is coming for dinner tonight so she can see me and meet Lauren. Before she gets to your house, I have a phone call to make to Lauren's parents, then I will help you with dinner." I state as I'm looking out the window.

My aunt sighs again and says "don't act bitter Kyler. You obviously are going to do what you want to anyway. I don't know why you're calling her parents though. She has already been married once and she is 26 so it's not like you need their permission."

I laugh her words off. "Yes, I'm going to do what I want to and I may not need their permission but I feel it's the right thing to do. I know I've never been in a relationship before and never been in love until now but I want them to know my true intentions with their daughter and that I'm absolutely in love with her."

As Aunt Mary is pulling into her driveway I'm already unbuckling my seatbelt. Before I can get out of the car she grabs my arm to stop me. "I will help you with Lauren tomorrow. I might not completely agree on what you're doing but... I will try to support you and pray you're not making a mistake even though I don't think you should do this."

I open the door and mumble "thank you" as I get out. Now to go make a very nerve racking phone call before I go inside to find the love of my life.

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