Author's Note

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I just want to say a big thank you once again to everyone that has read and voted on my story. I love the feedback I have received and love reading the comments. This story has definitely been longer than I originally anticipated but I feel it was worth it to develop Kyler and Lauren's characters the way I wanted.

With that being said, I have two options for this story. I just finished the next chapter and this part of the story can end there and I can write a sequel (which I never planned for) or I can keep going with chapters on this one. Personally I think end this one and do a sequel because I don't want it to seem like this part of the story will never end and cause people to loose interest. Also, because there is more to the story for Lauren and Kyler as they begin the next chapter of their lives as a married couple. What do you all think?

Hope you all have a great day, happy reading and thank you again! ❤️

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