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   We sit for a few minutes surrounded by silence until Mrs. Jessica speaks. "So I guess grandkids are out of the question from you Lauren?"

Mr. David quickly says "I don't need to hear or see anymore about my daughters sex life so please keep this appropriate."

Lauren looks at me then back to her mom "umm, well actually I-we... we can adopt if we decide..." I interrupt "why adopt? I already told you how beautiful you would be pregnant and I want you to carry our babies."

Mr. David jumps in "correct me if I'm wrong, but Kyler, you can't get Lauren pregnant."

"If she could you would have a ton of grandkids by now as much as them two have sex." Julia mumbles. Mrs. Jessica is just staring at me and I'm not sure why. I brush it off and I laugh to myself because Julia us right.

I look at Mr.David, "no sir I can't get Lauren pregnant but my brother can and..."

As soon as those words are out of my mouth, all eyes including Lauren's are on me. Mr. David stands up quickly and with a harsh tone says "you want your brother to sleep with my daughter now? She is not sleeping with your whole family for Christ sake."

"Dad!" Lauren says loudly. Mr. David starts shaking his head "don't dad me Lauren. You were with Mike, now you're with his daughter and now she is wanting you to sleep with her brother!"

I quickly interrupt to put an end to this misunderstanding. "Hold on! I mean no disrespect but you two are quick to always jump to conclusions. I never said anything about Lauren sleeping with my brother. He's gay anyway and I meant him being our sperm donor." Lauren looks at me for a second then asks "really?"

I grab her hand "yes, the other day I mentioned something about wanting to have kids with you and Kyle said he would gladly be our sperm donor since he and I look nearly identical. That way our babies would resemble both of us." Lauren squeezes my hand and leans forward kissing my lips and says "I would love that. It would be absolutely perfect babe, I want our kids to resemble both of us."

Lauren and I sit there staring at each other until Julia says "okay you two love birds we're still here so don't start anything."

Lauren and I both laugh then Mr. David says "ok on another note, Kyler, I don't know if that was brave or stupid to ask your principal on a date I front of everybody after graduation. Everyone around us in the stands were talking about it and I can tell you a lot we're not happy.

Lauren quickly says "it was so hot and I don't really care what anyone thinks she was officially no longer a student." I wink at her then turn my attention to Mr. David "well I done that so we can be together out in public now and not have to wait a few months. I want the world to know that I love Lauren. Plus I actually do want to take her on a date so I was serious when I asked."

Before anyone can say anything else there's a knock on the door. Lauren gets up and opens the door and Aunt Mary is standing there. "Hey Lauren" she says as she quickly hugs Lauren which takes her by surprise. "Hey Mary, please come in." Lauren shuts the door once Aunt Mary is inside.

I walk over to my aunt and she wraps me in a hug "I'm so proud of you sweetheart." She says with a sniffle. When she releases the hug she looks at Lauren "I want to apologize to you for the other day. I'm sorry for what I said to you, it was wrong, hurtful and completely out of line. I hope you can forgive me."

Lauren nods her head "of course Mary, you were just trying to look out for Kyler and I know that. Yes, you could have gone about it differently but it's in the past and I forgive you so let's move on."

Mr. David stands "excuse me, I'm David and this is my wife Jessica and what did you say to my daughter the other day that was so hurtful?" Lauren lifts her hand and shakes her head at her dad "dad, it's nothing okay. Everything is fine."

Mr. David sighs and sits back down beside Mrs. Jessica who is still just staring at me. I'm trying to be patient but I'm getting tired of her looking at me. "Please have a seat Mary." Lauren says politely.

Aunt Mary shakes her head. "I'm actually meeting Kyle in a few minutes. I have a lot of catching up to do with the nephew I didn't know I had. I just wanted to stop by and apologize to you and give my wonderful niece a hug. I'm so proud of her and I know her mom would be too."

I look at my aunt "so you didn't know about Kyle?" Aunt Mary shakes her head "no, he was born while I was studying abroad in the UK and nothing was ever mentioned to me about him. Well I've got to go so I can meet him but we will talk about all that later."

I hug Aunt Mary "I love you and thank you." Aunt Mary says "I love you too and will see the two of you tomorrow night for the graduation dinner." She kisses my cheek then leaves.

I glance over at Mrs. Jessica and sigh when I see she is still looking at me. Lauren catches me looking at her mom and says "okay mom, what is the deal. You have just been staring at Kyler."

Mrs. Jessica looks up at Lauren "I-I don't know... what to think. I-I just can't unsee what we walked in on. I just can't believe you were doing something like that... and on the kitchen counter. It's just hard for me to... see my daughter like that and what Kyler was doing to you just..."

Lauren sits down on the loveseat and pulls me down with her. "Look mom, I've already apologized so drop it, please.

Julia laughs "Lauren just be glad mom walked in on y'all today and not the other day when your head was between Kyler's legs." Lauren looks at Julia "could you please shut it Jules" she says sternly.

Mrs. Jessica looks at Lauren "Lauren Alisa, what is wrong with you? Please tell me Julia is joking."

I try to hold in my laugh as best as I can as Lauren shakes her head and says "big deal mom, we have already established that we have sex okay, lots and lots of sex and we do it all over the apartment, so what. Now, everyone knows and can please stay out of mine and Kylers sex life."

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