Chapter 11

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The night was beginning to settle in but not in Midtown High School, flashing lights were shining from the gymnasium's open doors. Students and teachers mingled to chat with a background music a few danced to.

Sarah was watching with mild interest the events taking place, while eating quietly in a corner. She wondered why exactly she had accepted the invitation when the answer came to her in the form of a bubbly french teacher.

"Sarah! I'm happy you were able to come," she exclaimed in her usual sultry voice, while her arm naturally snaked its way around Sarah's shoulder. Sarah hid a conditioned reflex, the only visible sign of her discomfort being the poor state of her paper cup.

"Delia, good to see you too." Delia, along with being the only female colleague of similar age, was the only person she connected with. Something oddly familiar in Delia prevented her from distancing herself.

"Ah! Look, Stark guy is speaking..." Delia sneered as she saw the famed billionaire, take place, with his just as famous smile. His eyes were hidden behind sunglasses which Sarah couldn't help but notice were high techs. That immediately set off the red flags in her head, so she took a step back, just enough to hide her face slightly. Though she immediately regretted it because if he was here, that could only mean he had already studied each of their files, so there was no point in hiding her face. When she realized that, it only took a bit of concentration to detect a few hidden presences. It was going to be a long night...

His speech seemed to drag on for forever, like he was stalling, his arrogant demeanor didn't sit well with her.

"Which is why I'll be offering you all a chance to have an internship at Stark Industry." Clapping ensued.

Delia couldn't help but comment when she saw her friend's usual impassive face. "That's a golden opportunity you know, it could be our chance to get a promotion."

"Yeah," Sarah wasn't overjoyed at that.

The very next morning, Peter in all his excitement was telling her about how much he wanted to grab a place at the three-months long internship which was offered to both teachers and students. "To be able to work side by side with Tony Stark..." he dreamily commented.

Sarah could understand that it went beyond admiration for the billionaire, he wanted to meet his hero, Iron Man.

Peter Park bounced on his feet, unable to walk normally, he was twirling and talking animatedly with his hands moving nearly as fast as his voice. "Ms Cano, will you go?" He didn't even question whether or not she would be able to get in, he held no doubt in himself about the skills of his math teacher.

"All the teacher will do the interview; the dean wants to maximize the chances of occupying the most places." Sarah watched the innocent superhero, "this internship is offered to all the schools of the area." It wasn't difficult to guess why, they would gather all the suspicious people and slowly narrow down the possibilities before finding her. They would probably do something else for other job sectors.

The hunt was beginning. And she wasn't about to let herself be caught.

The interview was simple, dull even. It was a normal supervisor performing it, she simply answered a few questions, particularly mindful of the cameras filming her every movements. They would probably go over it afterward to try and find signs that she was holding some kinds of superpowers. Not that they would find any. She didn't know how they were planning on finding her, it wasn't like she had villain written all over her forehead.

When the supervisor got a box out, she raised her guard, ready to make a run for it if need be. He opened the box with a smile that screamed innocence, not that she would buy it, months of training with seemingly innocent children taught her better.

Her face stiffened as she swore inside, the machine he got out was all too familiar to her.

"For the rest of the interview, I'll have you put this around your arm. Don't worry, it's not dangerous, it's a security measure."

For her it was. It was a lie detector, though it would be more correct to say it registered her heart rate and measured the amount of sweat she shed.

The supervisor seeming to detect her nervousness smiled once again and got up to wrap it around her arm.

She took a deep breath in and smiled back. Hydra had always avoided teaching them how to trick lie detectors, they only taught that to the better ones, the ones that succeeded their loyalty tests and surpassed all the other experiments. They didn't bother with the lesser ones, like her.

"Your name?"

"Sarah," she paused, "Cano."

After a few easy questions that just confirmed her file was correct, the real questions came.

"Why do you want to join Stark industries?"

"To learn more." She flashed her professional smile, about what would be the correct question.

"Do you believe you deserve a place there?"

"Not especially."

The supervisor glanced down at the result, true, before asking, "Why would you say that?"

"Other teachers are more deserving of the position."

He frowned, in red letterings was written false. She was lying with a smile.

"What do you think of Iron Man?" he prodded further.

"He's a hero-" True, "worthy of admiration." True.

She flashed a bright smile. She was only stating facts. When she saw the supervisor frown at something from his earpiece, she felt dread. She could feel some presences from beyond the wall, presences she didn't feel before. The air was getting warmer around that area, people were settling there to watch her. If she concentrated hard enough, amongst them, she could feel the controlled breath of someone, a trained assassin.

In the other room, Natasha was observing the seemingly normal teacher. She had a weird feeling about the brown-haired woman. Her guts told her she was dangerous, and Natasha knew better than to dismiss the feeling that had saved her life more than once.

"What do you think of her, Natasha?" Tony asked, his usual smirk wiped off. Her answer rubbed him the wrong way. A hero worthy of admiration, she said but she didn't say whether it was the case for her... He couldn't help but think she didn't hold very favorable views on him.

"I don't know if she is suspicious or too smart for her own good."

Back to Sarah, it didn't take long for her to realize what was happening when the questions took a turn for the worse.

"If you had superpowers, what would you do?"


:)  cheers to this fanfic reaching 1k views ! and to me turning one year older yesterday ! 🎉🎉🎉

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