Chapter 5

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Opening a hidden drawer, she stared at the black mask in it. A simple wooden mask with only some simple eyes slit. She could change her appearance but a side of herself stopped her. A selfish part of her didn't want her deeds to be attributed to a non-existent face.

Stepping out, her face grim, her stomach clenching painfully, she gazed ruefully at the streets. She could smell the iron smell of blood. She didn't dare look under the rumbles. She smelt death. It was a familiar smell, enticing and disgusting at the same time. One that brought with it memories.

Hearing a kid crying only a few meters away from her, she watched as a rock huge enough to crush him headed straight toward his head.

In this split second, she took her decision. Her black long mantle fluttering behind her, she pointed a single finger toward the rock. Water condensed seemingly out of nowhere and engulfed the rock before gently laying it beside the kid.

Turning around, she started walking toward the noisier streets.

"Thank you, Mysterious Hero!!" All traces of fear was completely replaced by childish amazement.

She didn't stop but her lips upturned a bit. Maybe, it would be worth it...

Nearing the hole from which those aliens poured out, she jumped in the air, helping herself with condensed water; forming stairs that dissipated after her steps, she wanted to get an overview of the situation.

From the top of one of the still-standing buildings, she watched as the superheroes' did their job. Fighting and saving people. They did it with ease, like they were made for it. They were in their elements, there, fighting against the bad guys. She felt like she didn't belong down there with them.

Sighing heavily, she jumped down from the skyscraper, slowing herself down with water. Nobody noticed her.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the water below her feet, she gritted her teeth. A few minutes later, she smiled happily. Eyes turned toward her as an earthquake started just before her feet.

"Ma'am, get away fast!" He was too late, the road's tar burst from under and tons of water gushed out.

Condensing water was possible but took more concentration and effort than just using water already formed.

Smirking at the free ammunition available, she turned around and looked at the guinea pigs just before her. Water glided out of the ground and flowed freely in the air, escaping gravity to surround their owner. With a single thought, the water headed straight toward the intruders, intent on destroying.

She noticed that the heroes previously fighting stopped bewildered as their opponents were easily destroyed by high-pressured water.

"Who are you?" Glancing at the red-haired woman, Sarah was reminded of one word. Assassin. A professionally trained killer. Like her.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here to restore this city's peace. After this, you won't have to see me again." She spoke in a modified voice, a monotone and strangely cold voice.

"Go stop the mastermind, I can take care of this side." They seemed hesitant but quickly nodded and ran away, not before threatening her though.

"That suit really is hideous." She thought out loud as she watched Captain America's.

Sitting down, she controlled her water mindlessly. It was so easy to kill those beings. They were like ants to her. She ignored the strain she felt on her heart.

"I won't help them more than that." They were the heroes, not her. She did enough. They could deal with the rest.

After what she felt like an eternity, the hole closed and from it fell something. Eliminating the last of those beings, she stared at the falling object. As it approached dangerously the road, she recognized the human figure. Momentarily dazed, she watched as an enormous green man caught its fall. Hulk.

She remembered him. A scientist with another facet. A green monster. This accident changed his life and forced him to endorse the hero title. She could somewhat relate to him. Except she wasn't intent on becoming a hero. Not now, not ever.

It seemed like they didn't need her anymore she thought watching them from afar. Looking up, the huge amount of water stared back. What would she do with that?

It slid under her feet as she jumped. Resting on it, she guided it away from the city. Traveling safely in this water bubble, she enjoyed the view. It was the first time she used her water on this scale but she felt more liberated than anything.

At this moment, she didn't care for the consequences of her actions or the tiredness she was starting to feel. She felt happy. All the emotions bottled up suddenly exploded. It has been a while since she truly felt this happy. An awful while...

She smiled. Not those fake smiles she always paraded to seem okay. But one of those she rarely had. She didn't even know why she was this happy. It just seemed like she took off a mask. She wasn't the normal civilian she pretended to be. She never could be. Even if she desperately yearned to be. What she saw and knew made her unable to return to that normal civilian life. But she could pretend.

Gazing at the vast ocean, she tilted her head. She was sure she would regret it but she was too tempted. Just this once she swore. Just this once she would escape from her reality. Just one moment away from her life, from this mad world.

Diving underwater, she headed toward the deepest parts of the ocean. Away from any humans. Where nobody could reach her. Under this darkness, she could see and feel everything. She didn't need to breathe. She didn't need to pretend to be what she wasn't anymore.

How contradictory she was. The normal life she once yearned for wasn't enough for her. She was missing something, a hole that needed to be filled in her heart. Only surrounded by the water could she truly forget all of this.

She was suddenly filled with an urge to sleep. Sleep caught up with her, asking for its due.

Unaware of the frenzy she created outside, she closed her eyes and let darkness drape over her.


I don't know how to feel about this chapter... but I hope you still liked it.

I'm still struggling with the timeline, and when to insert Sarah in the marvel universe. But I'm very excited for her to officially meet the heroes.

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