Chapter 16

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Sarah crashed at Delia's apartment for the night, Delia welcoming her friend with delight.

Meanwhile, Peter couldn't sleep, he couldn't help but think of what would have happened if his teacher hadn't come to save him. He was too careless, thinking just because he had some powers, he was invincible. He could have died, disappeared off the surface of the earth, and no one would have known. His life would have ended in some corner of the earth, alone.

His story falling into oblivion, with no witnesses.

He had no doubt they would torture him, and in the dark cells filled with blood he would have given up. It frightened him how easily they could have broken him, without his powers he was a defenseless teenager at the mercy of his enemies.

Still, that didn't diminish his will to use his powers for the good of others. Even if he was forgotten. Even if no one remembered his name and no one knew what he sacrificed for it. He would fight for others with every fiber of his being. For as long as he could remember he wanted to be a hero. And even if he knew what that would entail, he would do it. For every life he saved was a victory, a family that wouldn't have to mourn a loved one. He would clench his teeth and bear through the pain for the sake of it. Some might criticize his naivety, yet when it mattered the most, they would still hang unto the hope of a hero. And he felt it was his duty to answer that call.

As Sarah waited, sat on a bench, and watching a screen picturing Spiderman's latest exploit, she remembered the weak teenager in a cell surrounded by things a boy his age should never have encountered. A den filled with drugs, torture, and monsters in human skin. As bright as the city seemed, its shadows extended their reach to every part of it.

She had seen it all when she was still in their hands. She was part of it. She saw the way drugs and malice destroyed people's minds. How easy it was. And how nothing could bring back those who saw the darkest of humanity. It wasn't something one could easily forget, the pleas, the shadowed eyes, the scars, the bitter smells. Everything was etched into her brain. She had touched the bottom of hell, there was no way she could come out completely sane. But she still managed to function, once she pushed back the disgust and shame, she managed to bury them under a thin sheet of pretense. She was taught how to. Close one eye, shut down the emotions, and smile. That was all there was to it. Blend in or be discarded.

Amongst the crowd, she saw Peter walk toward her, his hood up, and an awkward smile sent her way, along with a small wave. If he were to be forced into the underworld... The temperature around her dropped suddenly. Sensing the change around her, she closed her eyes, reining in her feelings. Her powers were growing stronger, and if she wasn't careful, she could end up losing control. Though she could still suppress them for now, she didn't know how long it could last.

"Good morning, Peter," Sarah offered a lukewarm greeting, still sipping on her morning coffee.

"Morning Ms. Cano!" Peter responded with greater enthusiasm.

Sarah crumbled her coffee cup and threw it away as she got up. "Call me Sarah, you're making me feel old."

"Alright," Peter smiled brightly, they had been conversation partners for over a month and it was the first time she allowed him to call her by her first name.

"Perfect, now let's go to the gym," she announced more than asked, already walking forward without waiting for him. It was the easiest option for them as bringing him to a deserted area was very conspicuous and suspicious, which was the last thing she needed to be added to her already growing case, 'kidnapping teenagers'.

She rented a private room with a fighting arena, some punching bags, and weights.

Her calloused hand waved in the direction of the punching bags. "Try to punch one as hard as you can."

Peter hesitated and put a wary hand on the hanging bag. He pulled back his arm, before stopping and looking beyond the bag, toward a waiting Sarah. "Are you sure?" He looked between the heavy-looking bag and the seemingly frail woman a few times and at her nod, he launched his punch.

With a loud bang, the bag was sent flying in the direction of Sarah. She looked keenly at the incoming heavy bag and at the last second, she stepped aside, narrowly avoiding the bag.

"You have the strength, let's see what else," she commented sharply before she disappeared from his sight.

Peter stumbled back just in time to avoid a punch to the stomach. He struggled to avoid kicks he couldn't see but could still sense. Slowly they grew faster and finally a swipe at his legs made him fall face-first on the mats.

"Good instincts, not fully honed though," Sarah analyzed as she looked down at him. "Get up."

Like a scolded kid, he got up in an instant, keeping his mouth shut as he watched her dissect his moves with her eyes.

"Sorry in advance," she apologized with nary an emotion, and before he could fully register her words, a full blow hit his stomach, making him stumble back and recoil at the strength of the punch.

When he glanced back, he saw her tilt her head. He felt his face pale at her next words, and he couldn't help but walk slowly back.

"This amount is barely enough it seems." Sarah could see that he was still breathing normally and except for the slight sweat that appeared, he was still standing unscathed. "Well, time to up the strength a little."

"Can I still say I want to leave?" Peter voiced out meekly, seeing her pull up her sleeves and cracking her knuckles.

Sarah smiled kindly, like a dentist ready to pull out a rotten tooth, before sealing his fate. "I'm afraid it's too late."

The clock ticked by, at first, Peter pulled back his punches, afraid to hurt her but when he saw she had no problem avoiding them, and that she didn't plan on showing mercy herself, he started fighting seriously. Still, he lost. Countless times. She only stopped when he was bruised and aching all over, on the floor.

"I've finished evaluating your abilities. Starting tomorrow, your real training can start."

He groaned hearing her words, feeling both fear of getting beaten again and excitement at the idea of getting stronger.

She crouched down to his height, handing him a clean towel. "Good job today." And she left.

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