Chapter 26

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Both worked in silence, only occasionally breaking it to sigh or groan out of frustration. Tony was scouring his databases to find traces of Jarvis, desperate to stumble onto even the slightest of hope.

"Thor left because of the vision the red-hair showed him, and the public is starting to criticize us more and more..." Tony sighed, scouring through the news on his screen. "Fortunately you were there to minimize the damages but there were still some victims."

Sarah didn't react, she had expected as much. Ultron was still on the run with two superpowered people by his side while Jarvis was down. Without much clue as to Ultron's next move they were stuck in the tower.

"Stark," Natasha knocked on the lab's door, glancing at Sarah for a second before continuing, "Rogers called for a meeting."

Sarah turned back to her research not interested in whatever would be said.

"I'll be there in a sec." Tony waved her off, wiping his hands and getting up. "Not coming?"

Sarah shook her head, eyes focused on the data being gathered under her eyes—she wasn't an Avengers, she would simply be cooperating when they needed her to. "Simply tell me what you want me to do afterward." It was unprofessional of her, but she didn't care, she was only a temporary ally of theirs, being too involved wouldn't do her much good.

Tony seemed slightly reluctant, lingering above her shoulder, observing her research before finally sighing and leaving. He didn't know her that well yet, forcing her could prove counterproductive, he would have to be satisfied with this for now.

A while later, someone she hadn't expected to see greeted her. "Name's Fury, pleasure to finally meet you." The gruff man extended a hand, smile deceptively wide.

Sarah kept her emotions at bay as she grasped his hand, fingers digging in just enough to make the impassible man sweat. "Sarah..." He was the one responsible for much of her recent distress—his stubbornness to gather and control heroes was as needed as it was annoying.

"I know..." he raised an eyebrow, observing her hunched figure over the microscope, "found anything interesting?"

"Nothing," she replied with a half-smile, turning off the microscope in the next second. She narrowed her eyes at him, not bothering to hide her displeasure. Unsurprisingly, he ignored her obvious irritation.

"I see..." Fury narrowed his eye at her before turning around, hands clasped behind his back, without missing a beat, he added, "Your presence is required in the meeting room."

Sarah hummed, fingers drumming against the counter in thoughtful silence. When he left her behind, she couldn't help but glance at the microscope again.

After a long sigh, she walked out, rejoining the team in the floors above. The moment her fingers pushed open the door, her ears were assaulted by shoutings. Stark had remarkably good sound isolating doors it seemed.

Without a word, she slid in, settling in one of the corners, leaning against the walls with the view of the city in the corner of her eyes, and the dispute in the other. Stark and Rogers were arguing, Fury silently watching, with Barton cleaning his arrows. Only Natasha and Banner seemed in a world of their own, their eyes falling on each other often enough that Sarah could sense the underlying tension.

Her gaze crossed Romanoff's who simply nodded in her direction, acknowledging her presence.

Sarah observed the men arguing, saw the way their ideologies clashed, sparks flying off whenever they spoke. The rest of the team either remained silent or tried to pacify the two men.

After a while, Fury finally made his move, "We can't afford to wait a moment longer as Ultron grows stronger and plots his next move. We have to move fast and minimize the casualties."

Stark and Rogers calmed down, pausing long enough to listen.

Sarah zoned out as the plan came into motion, choosing to stare out of the window, observing the bustling city underneath. Citizens that were blissfully unaware of the decisions being made this very instant, ones that could very well endanger them all should they fail. Chatting with friends, embracing lovers, bickering with family, working to pay their bills, a life of simplicity and daily worries.

Far from the grandioseness and dangers of deathly battles, they struggled against their own demons, falling down again and again and yet always standing up to live another day. There was greatness to be found in the simplicity of life.

"Sarah?" Banner's voice came with a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She resisted the flinch that surged up from the touch—her eyes snapping back to him, as she registered the emptiness of the room, "Sorry."

"It's alright, I sometimes zone out too," he smiled gently, his hand falling back to his side. He hadn't failed to notice the way she tensed up when he touched her. "During Ultron's attack, an unknown entity helped protect the nuclear codes and other important network data, Tony left to find its identity. As for the rest of the team, Steve, Natasha and Clint are preparing to intercept Ultron. He is preparing to create a new body out of vibranium using Dr Cho's knowledge."

"I suppose I'll have to join them?" Sarah walked around Banner, heading to the roof where the rest were probably preparing to depart.

"Preferably yes," Banner confirmed with a nod, not moving from his spot.

"You're not coming?" She stopped at the threshold, frowning when she saw him shake his head, his arms crossing over his chest awkwardly.

"I can't risk holding the team back again."

There was a depreciating tone to his voice—a bitter resignation—that rubbed Sarah the wrong way. But she held back her thoughts, nodding vaguely. It wasn't her place to comment on it, she was only an outsider.

Despite having been with the Avengers for very little, she had noticed all the flaws of their relationships. Little cracks that appeared on the Earth's mightiest shield, unnoticeable most of the time but glaringly obvious if one knew what to look for. Underlying tensions that threatened to spill over. 


A.N : goyang-i567 very sweetly drew a fanart of Sarah (with her original purple hair) 😭❤️ thank you 🥺🤗

look at her she's so pretty~

look at her she's so pretty~

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