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The boys were at the house with Luke's friend Brantley Gilbert for the day, while Chris and Luke supported me at the trial. Luke sees a dark skinned man being escorted into the court room, he clenches his fist in anger, but didn't dare move, or he'd regret it. 

I look down at my feet which are tapping on the floor anxiously. I wanted this to be over. I didn't want to face him, I couldn't. But I didn't have a choice. Chris takes my hand in his, as he's staring at me. He sees the tears hiding behind my eyes. They wanted to fall but I needed to hold it together. 

The man looks at me, he looks into my eyes, and smirks. I bite my lip and try not to scream. He was proud of what he did. This is a joke to him. The judge enters and everyone stands until the judge is seated. The trial starts immediately. 

"How does the defendant plea?"

"I didn't do a thing your honor."

"We'll see..." The judge looks to me, he recognized me from the news that night. You have a witness?"

"Yes your honor." The precinct woman speaks. She was in charge of winning this case. "We're calling Abbie-Marie Bryan to the stand."

I stand slowly and walk to the stand. I raise my hand as I swear my honesty before getting on the stand. I sit in the chair behind the podium.

"Hello Miss Bryan, why are you here today?"

"My mother was murdered..." They had already gone over this, she knew what to say. 

"Do you remember seeing who killed your mother, and attacked you that night?"

"Yes ma'am, he's in the defendants seat. That's him."

"Thank you miss Bryan. Now, tell us a little about what happened that night?"\

I took a deep breath. "My mom and I had just gotten home from dinner and a movie, it was Friday, we always went out. We saw a car following us, we thought nothing of it, until that car was parked in front of our house two hours later." She was crying silently. Chris and Luke couldn't stop staring. No one could stop looking. This made her more anxious. "My mother and I were doing chores when the defendant snuck in through door while we weren't looking. He grabbed hold of me, after tying my mother to a kitchen chair, I was passed out from when he punched me, him grabbing me woke me. I saw my mom and begged him to let us go. He beat me in front of my mother, and screamed at her, demanding something, saying to give it to him, or I would die. He got tired of my mothers screaming and shot her. Then he beat me more. And he left before the police got there."

"Thank you Miss Bryan."

"I almost forgot..." I looked right at the killer as I said this. "He took my mothers locket, it was shaped like a diamond and had a picture of us in it. It was gold and sparkly."

"This locket...?" The woman holds up to show the jury. "We found it in a safe in the defendants apartment." She looks to me. "Thank you Miss Bryan, you may step down." I walk to Chris and Luke and sit down. 

I cry and sit there as Chris rubs my back. "Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"We have your honor. In the charge of manslaughter, we find the defendant guilty."

"This court is adjourned."

I close my eyes and fall to the floor. I speak softly, "We did it mom..."

The Chronicles Of Luke Bryan and I (Part One) This Too Shall PassWhere stories live. Discover now