Paris Princess

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Luke and the boys dropped Chris and I at the airport. The five of us stood at the door to our flight. 

Luke walked up to Chris and hugged him. "You take care of her, and keep her safe. Three weeks is a long time."

"Hey man, I'll take care of her. I promise." Chris smiled as Luke pat him on the shoulder and turned to me. 

"Dad, I'll be fine. I'm okay. It's only Paris. I'm with Chris, and I'll call every day."

"You better." Luke smiles and hugs me.

Now boarding flight to Paris, France.

I kneel down to the boys and hug them. "Hey, I love you two. I'll be back in just three weeks. You be good for daddy. And remember, cowboys are strong." I wipe a tear from Tate's cheek as I kis his head. I pull away and see a red lipstick mark. 

"Ew Abbie-Marie. No lipstick kisses." Luke laughs and wipes his head with a napkin as tate is pretending to be angry about the lipstick, but just wants to cry. 

Last call for flight to Paris, France. I blow them all a kiss as Chris takes my hand in his and leads me on the plane. 

I wipe a single tear away as we put our seatbelts on in first class. "Hey, they'll be okay... You'll be okay..." I look at him and kiss him slowly and sweetly. "I know. I love you."

We watch a few movies on my laptop, all romantic, like the titanic, the notebook, girly movies that Chris only puts up with for me. As the third movie ends, we are almost there, only ten minutes or so left until the plane lands. 

Chris looked to me, "So, what do you want to do first? We'll have six hours of daylight left when we land."

"I don't know, I have no clue what to expect." 

"Expect to be spoiled then."

"Babe, no..."

"Hey you had your chance, but you left it up to me. So you will be spoiled. Deal with it." I roll my eyes as he tries to kiss me as he attempts to wrap his arms around my waist. 

"Christopher Alan Young, you will be the death of me." I laugh as his lips on my collarbone. 

"Well if you're dying I better have some fun now..." He smirks as he kisses my neck below my earlobe. 

"CHRIS, STOP IT!" I whisper with a stern tone. 

I heard him let out a muffled, "why?"

"CHRIS...!" I laugh as I push him away with a smile and punch him in the arm. 

He laughs, but the smile fades as he sees a woman pointing at me and whispering to her friend. The second woman bursts out laughing. I look down at the floor and am ready to cry until Chris looks at the women and speaks. "Excuse me, ma'am, please don't point fingers at my girlfriend, you don't know her and you don't know me. I don't and won't tolerate someone mistreating her, and I sure as hell won't keep my mouth shut about it. So keep your finger down. Oh, and you have chocolate on your teeth." He takes my hand as he faces me and I chuckle. He looks at me and rubs my hand with his thumb. "I told you that you'd be okay..."

"I love you so much." 

We land in Paris and we walk up to the baggage claim. We grab our suitcases and we walk to a limousine that's parked outside. The man greets us. "Mr. Young, Miss Bryan? It is a pleasure to drive for you these three weeks. Welcome to Paris." The man puts our suitcases in the back of the limousine and lets us in. "So, where to?"

"Why don't we go to the hotel first, drop our stuff off and dress down real quick."

"I like that idea. These boots need to go away for assault."

He laughs and kisses me quickly. "Hotel Dion Vior please."

"Lovely hotel, I worked there as a maintenance man in my younger years. Met my husband there."

"Oh that's so cute." 

"Where do you and your husband lay your heads at night?" Chris asks in friendly conversation.

"My late husband Kennith lays his head in heaven. He had pancreatic cancer." The mans voice drops to a almost whisper as we sense his sadness.

"I'm sorry, that's so tragic." Chris  had sympathy for the man.

"Hotel Dion Vior, here we are." The man opens their door and gets their bags. Chris shakes the mans hand. "Thank you for your sympathy Mr. Young. I will be here to bring you wherever and whenever you need to go."

"Thank you sir." We walk into the hotel and get settled.

The Chronicles Of Luke Bryan and I (Part One) This Too Shall PassWhere stories live. Discover now