The Best Ever Fathers Day and A Not So Happy Visit

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It was fathers day, a day I never got to celebrate until now... I walk into the boys room early in the morning. They are already up playing. "Boys, do you know what today is?"

"Sunday..." Tate speaks as he pushes a toy truck around the room. 

"Yes, but not what I meant... It's fathers day!"

"Daddy's day?! Yay!" Tate was speaking loudly. 

"Ssshhh! We want to surprise daddy, so we have to be quiet..." I said as I led the boys to the kitchen. On the counter was a large breakfast arrangement to be made. Everything in the house itself was beautiful, pictures hung, made by myself and the boys. Banners draped over the doors. 

We hurried to make breakfast which was a lot. Within moments, Chris showed up, and just in time. Luke walked into the kitchen and smiled. "What's this?"

"Happy fathers day!" The four yell excitedly. 

Luke walked over and hugged his kids, "Oh you didn't have to..."

"Dad, shut up and eat, there's so much food to be eaten." She laughs as they all sit down to eat. After breakfast, she pulls out a few gifts from behind the cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink.

"Why'd you hide them there?" Luke asks.

"Simple, you never go in there because I do most of the cleaning."

"That's actually pretty smart." Luke opens the first gift, which was from Bo and Tate. It was a cowboy on a horse trophy that said best dad ever. "Thank you boys, i wonder, how you got enough money to pay for it?"

I just sip my orange juice and think up a silly remark. "They saved up their tooth fairy money."

Luke laughs. He opens my gift next which was a book, it was small and each page had a picture and a little story with it. "Thank you Abbie-Marie." Just then, there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it. I stand and answer the door. It was a pair of detectives and a lawyer. "Can I help you gentlemen?"

"Are you Abbie-Marie Bryan?"

"Yes. Is everything alright?"

They show their badges as Luke sends the boys to play in the room, he and Chris join me at the door. "I'm Luke, Abbie-Marie's father, can I ask what this is about?"

"Miss Bryan, we're very confident we found your mothers killer, but we need you to ID him and we need you to go to trial."

"No, I'm sorry, I can't." She tries to shut the door but the detective puts his foot there. "Look, do you know what it's like to watch your mother get murdered while you're beaten senseless? I didn't think so. So I'm sorry, but I can't relive that." The lawyer hands her a paper, she opens it and it says sobpoena on it. "You've got to be kidding me. You're gonna force me to look at the man who killed my mother and face him in trial?! You're so insensitive to this situation."

"Look, there has to be another way..." Luke offered a solution, but the visitors wouldn't have it.

"You need to be at the precinct by the end of the day to ID him, if you fail to comply, you will receive a warrant for non-compliance with a criminal investigation."

"Yeah, okay, whatever, now that I'm already remembering all the gruesom details of my mothers murder, thanks to you, I'll go visit the bastard in a few hours. Youre free to vacate the property now."

The detective rolls his eyes and turns to leave. She shuts the door and turns to see Luke and Chris staring at her. "You okay babe?" Chris tries to reach for her hand, but she pulls away. When she's scared, she blocks people out, she always has.

"I'm going to get changed, then I'll be back later."

Chris follows her and as her door shuts in front of him he hears her searching through her wardrobe. "Abbie-Marie, I know you're hurting, but you don't have to do this alone. I'll come with you. To ID him, the trial, everything. I'll be there." The door opens and she's ready. Chris follows her and gets in his drivers seat and motions for her to come. She sighs and gets in. He waits a minute, staring at her. "Seatbelt please."

She put her seatbelt on and just stayed quiet. They reached the precinct and she walked as slowly as she could. She went to the receptionist and she spoke, "I'm her to make an ID."

The same officers from before come in. "Glad to see you could join the party."

"You ass hole, this isn't a party, I'm identifying my mothers killer."

"Yup, face the window, they can't see you, only you can see them."

I nod. The lights go on and there was a line of darker skinned men. The one with the scar on his cheek right next to his left eye, that's from me. I scratched him during the fight. "Number three."

"Can you repeat that for the person recording your answer?"

"Number three. Now may I leave?"

"Yes, trial starts on tuesday, be there."

"That's only two days from now!"

"Be there, or else."

She walked off and saw Chris. He was pacing the hall and as he sees her, he opens his arms. She runs into his arms and sobs. He just holds her a minute and then they walk out to the truck. 

The Chronicles Of Luke Bryan and I (Part One) This Too Shall PassWhere stories live. Discover now