Suspicious Behavior

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We had been in Paris almost a week, and everything ha been going great. We had gone out to a few fancy dinners, we had gone to an amazing art exhibit, the most beautiful beach I've ever seen, not to mention the Eiffel Tower. Standing under the most romantic structure in Paris, with Chris holding me close as I snap a picture of us, it's something that will never be forgotten. 

I had a day of shopping and I finally reached the hotel. It was almost ten o'clock at night when I opened the door. Chris must not have heard me, because he would have rushed over to help with my dozens of bags. It may be a sin to eavesdrop, but I've never payed much attention to that rule. It sounded like he was on the phone with my dad. That's strange, they've been talking on the phone every night for he past four days, they may be best friends, bu they have never been much of 'on the phone' talkers until now. And what's stranger, is Chris always walks off to talk to him, he's been acting really suspicious too. We were at the Paris mall and when I was getting a custom teddy bear, he was 'exploring' a part of the mall a guy would typically have no interest in. All there was in that part was a candy store, a jewelry store, an electronics store and a lingerie store. He didn't come back with a new phone, and nothing else for that matter it seemed. 

I stopped by the door and listened a moment. "Yeah, man it's going great. I honestly couldn't be happier..." There was a pause. "No I don't think she has a clue..." More silence. "Yeah her first gift is here now, wait till you see how beautiful the set is..."

"Aaaahh!" Next thing I knew there was a small Havanese jumping excitedly around me, I drop my bags and trip over the area rug. 

I can hear Chris' laughter from the other room. "Alright man, I'm 99.9 percent sure she just got in, and I think the little fur ball likes her."

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?! This random dog just tripped me, now he's looking in my bags trying to sniff out our dinner and I'm pretty sure he just sneezed on my surprise for you tonight. Believe me if that's the case it's YOU who won't be happy!" He laughs as he walks over and helps me up off the floor and tries to kiss me. "No, no, whose dog is this. I didn't think you even knew anyone in Paris let alone someone who needs a dog sitter."

"Abbie-Marie, calm down and listen. This beautiful Havanese was just sitting in the shelter I stopped by today, and I couldn't help but notice how sad and lonely he was. Then I got to thinking, he'd look really good after being groomed, so he got pampered for over three hours, then I found that cute little guitar pic dog tag on that adorable rhinestone collar and matching leash, and I just said to myself, that he'd really like you. And it looks like I was right, because he has that little rope in his mouth and he wants you to play with him, but before you do that, why don't you read what's on the dog tag..."

I sigh as I brush myself off and take a closer look at the dog tag. It said, the words, "Winston, Loved by Abbie-Marie Bryan..." I look up quickly from the beautiful dog to Chris and tackle him in a hug. I kiss him quickly then I quickly start playing with the dog. He was pulling on the rope with his strong teeth and he was doing the cutest little growl, as if saying, 'its mine, give it here.' The dog played almost fifteen minutes then skipped off to get a drink of water and munch on a bone. "By the way, what's were you talking to my dad about?"

Chris got really nervous all of the sudden. "Oh, just the dog..."

"I heard something about a set..." I say as I organize all of the new stuff I bought today, quickly throwing the surprise for Chris in a draw under all of my nightgowns. 

"Oh, that, um, yeah, right, yeah the set..." 

I turn and look to him quizzically. "Yeah, what set?"

"The uh, set for, that uh, that concert I have... Yes! That's it! The concert..." Smooth recovery Chris, real smooth...

"Mhm... I turn and sneakily rush into the bathroom with the surprise. "I'll be out in a minute, no peeking."

"Why, is there something I should be peeking at?" He attempts to follow me but I lock the bathroom door behind me. 

He takes this opportunity to grab a couple things he had hidden away. He grabs a huge basket out of the closet and places it on the bed with a little note next to it on really beautiful and fancy card stock paper. He reaches into the inside pocket of his jacket and prepares for whatever will happen next. 

I step out of the bathroom and prepare to show Chris my new sexy lingerie. It was a short lace gown, tight fitting and very see-through. Underneath was a black lace bra and panties set. I couldn't see him, where did he go? I spot a huge basket on the bed with a note. I look in the basket and there were a bunch of random gifts. Money, gift cards, a wallet, a pocketbook, perfume and much more. I pick up the note and read it.

Dear Abbie-Marie,

You made me the happiest man alive when you came into my life, I love you so much more than words can explain and I want to show you all of the amazing things in you that I see. My vow is this, that I will be the best husband you could ever ask for, if you'll have me?

I turn around and the tears stained my face as I see Chris on one knee. He slowly opened a red velvet box with the most amazing diamond engagement ring I've ever seen. I stand there and cry as I smile and say, "are you gonna put a ring on it or not?" He jumps up and holds me in his arms. He places the ring on my ring finger and kisses me passionately.

The Chronicles Of Luke Bryan and I (Part One) This Too Shall PassWhere stories live. Discover now