👦What Brothers Are For👦

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We walk back in the house and Bo and Tate run right up to me. They run right past Luke and into my arms.

Bo smiled when he saw all the stuff in the cooler. "Woah! Abbie-Marie, how much did you catch?!"

Luke smiled with sheer approval of my success. "She caught more fish than me on the first day."

Chris smiled. "I had no idea you'd be such a good hunter and fisherman!"

Author doesn't know correct term for female fisherman. 😥 Oh well, on with the Luke Bryan!!!

"Did you doubt me? Well I hate to tell you, but I live to impress..." I stuck my tongue out at Chris and smiled. Luke smiled too.

"Why you smiling man? She just roasted me!"

Luke laughed. "I font know what you're talking about... I font know anything..." Luke looked to the boys. "Boys, why font you help me put all this meat in the meat freezer. We can have venison burgers tonight."

"Yay Bambi burgers!" Tate yelled.

"Tate!" I tried to fight the laughter as I scolded him.

Later that night, we were having a back yard barbeque. Venison burgers, fishcabobs, and of course I made my moms famous macaroni salad, which everyone would end up loving.

After we all ate, and had some fun in our back yard lake style pool, we roasted marshmallows and told ghost stories. The ghost stories were minimized of scariness for the boys.

It came my turn to tell a ghost story, and I had been thinking this one up all night.

*Spooky voice...* "Once upon a time, there was an old lady. She lived deep in the back woods of Tennessee, with her three dogs and seven cats. One night, she had let the dogs out for a run in the woods. They always returned when the whistle would blow." *I whistle loudly...* "But that night, she had been standing on the porch for twenty minutes, and they were nowhere in sight. But she knew, they never went far. That was, unless Farmer Barkley came around, said an urban legend. Farmer Barkley lived in these back woods many years ago, during the Tennessee gold wars... It is said that when he passed, his spirit lingered in these woods long after his time, trying to find all the dogs that had betrayed him back then by not fighting along side him. But, may I remind you, this is all urban legend... Until now that is..."

Never written a ghost story before. Not really my families kind of thing. Hope it was decent. Comment and leave a 👍 emoji if you liked it.

No and Tate clapped loudly, Chris whistled and Luke cheered. They all loved it. "Awesome Abbie-Marie! I lub it!"

"Love Tate, love... Not lub..."

"That's what I said, lub!"

Luke, Chris and I all laughed. "Tate you are so darn cute." I squeeze him in a hug and kiss his head, getting pink lip gloss on his head. Luke and Chris find this just hilarious.

"Ewe! Gross Abbie-Marie! I no want your lipstick on my head!"

I bury my face in my hand sand laugh. "I'm sorry bud, here, I'll get it off..." I wipe it off with the bottom of my sleeve.

"Thank you..."

"Come on boys, time for bed..." Luke stands. The boys stand and hug Chris then me. They run off after Luke and head to bed.

Chris and I sat by the fire in silence. I did not want to say the wrong thing, and unknown by myself, neither did he. "Nice weather..." We both burst out laughing because we said this on synch.

"You're amazing..." He said this, and instantly regretted it, knowing he had just embarrassed himself, and more importantly, possibly gave reason for Luke to hate him. It was the way he said what he said. He was inches from my lips, neither of us wanted the moment to end, both of us knew it was wrong, but neither of us dared to move. He took my not moving by a green light. He inched closer, and I slowly pulled away.


He stared into my beautiful brown eyes now fighting tears. "Abbie-Marie, I'm sorry... I'll go..." He was about to stand, when I took his hand, so he couldn't go. "Abbie-Marie?"

"Chris... Listen... Please..." A single tear fell from my eyes.

"Abbie-Marie, please font cry... I shouldn't have done that..."

"Listen, please..." I took a deep breath and spoke softly. "I'm glad you did... Now I know you feel the same as I do..." He looked up from the ground. He went from not being g able to look into my eyes, to not being able to look away. "I like you Chris. I have always liked you. Now that I know you, and you know me, I can't help but like you... Its just, I'd love to cross that line, in two weeks, when I'm eighteen..." He smiled. "I can wait, can you?"

He smiled. "It'll be hard... But yeah, I can..." Luke was watching from the window. Happy that I made the right decision, to wait until my birthday.

The Chronicles Of Luke Bryan and I (Part One) This Too Shall PassWhere stories live. Discover now