Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 is dedicated to SydSavageWrites13

Thank you for your support ❤

How Callie Met Demetri- Callie's POV

*3 years ago*

I don't really remember much of what happened that day. Almost everything was a blur.

My memories of what took place were pretty inconsistent, but I did know that two important things happened.

Daniel left.

I met Demetri.

Demetri had appeared as my knight in shining armor, or my knight in Old Navy... but that sounds way less romantic.

Anyways, it was great that he showed up when he did or I probably wouldn't be here today.

I remember crying my heart out while walking through the rain as the feeling of complete loss overwhelmed me. Daniel was gone and he wouldn't come back.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and the honk of the car speeding towards me came a second too late. I glanced up, literally feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, as it barrelled towards me.

I was petrified; too scared to move or breathe or think. My body and mind froze as the blinding light came closer. Everything was happening so fast. Would I even be able to react in time?

Suddenly, someone pulled me back. In a second, the car blazed past where I had been standing. The driver didn't even stop to see if I was okay.

I let out a shaky breath and collapsed onto the pavement as my legs turned to jelly and gave way.

I had heard stories before, of guardian angels who rescued you when you were in trouble, but looking into the eyes of my savior as he knelt beside me, I could tell he was no angel.

His dark eyes were confused and slightly angry. I wanted to tell him thanks for saving me, but I was still too frozen to speak. The downpour of rain became heavier and I shivered in the cold night air. The guy took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around me wordlessly.

"Don't you know how to cross a road?"

His voice held hints of irritation, but it was also soft, a little gentle.

I still couldn't stop the tears that mingled in with the rain. Maybe he wouldn't be able to tell I was crying. He sighed.

"Can you walk?"

I nodded slowly and he helped me to my feet. He ran a hand through his black hair, which was now matted against his forehead. I shivered again, but more from the shock of my near death experience than the cold.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" he asked slowly.

I didn't respond, but he hesitantly wrapped an arm around my shoulders and led me under the awning of a shop where we could shelter from the rain. Beside him, I felt a lot warmer. I felt safer.

"Th-thank you," I mumbled, finally finding my voice.

"It's fine."

I looked up at him. He looked to be a few years older than me. Definitely a young adult. He was tall and handsome, with a defined jaw line and plump pink lips, which he was chewing thoughtfully as he played around with a silver ring on his finger. His black eyes were dark and cold. I caught sight of the whisper of tattoos on his biceps under his sleeve.

His persona screamed bad boy, but I didn't want to be too quick to judge. After all, he helped me, how bad could he be?

He looked like he could have been a model. I looked away from him and wiggled out of his hold. I felt much warmer now. I tried to control my tears as he glanced down at me.

"Are you okay?"


"No you're not."

I paused and sighed. He was right.

"Should I call you a cab or something?" he asked after a moment of silence had passed.

I nodded. "If it's not too much trouble."

He smiled at that and made the call. In a few minutes, the cab came and he turned to me.

"Get home safely and try not to get hit by a car this time."

He gave me his number and told me that his name was Demetri. He told me to call him as soon as I got home. I slid into the cab, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

I tried to think back on what had happened, but up until Demetri, everything was a blur and my head hurt when I tried to remember.

My brothers were with my grandparents as usual. I was glad. I couldn't allow them to see me crying like this. I had to be strong for them and pretend like everything was okay, even when nothing was.

I wanted my parents. I needed my mom right now. I tried to call her, hoping that by some miracle they were even in the country. Fresh tears clouded my vision after all my calls went unanswered.

I shivered at the thought of going back to that huge house where nobody would be waiting for me.

I texted Mel and Liz and told them what had happened. Daniel had left me without saying goodbye. I wasn't good enough to make him stay. I wasn't good enough for anyone.

Even though it was late, Mel and Liz promised to meet me at my house and I closed my eyes and let the tears flow again.


Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

So this is how Callie and Demetri met. Thoughts on this chapter?

If Callie and Demetri were to have a ship name, what would it be?

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See you in the next chapter!

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