Chapter 122

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Chapter 122 is dedicated to JerricaPOlmo90

Thank you for your support ❤

Elizabeth's POV

“And that’s what happened,” Callie said as she wrapped up her story about what happened last week.

“Just give me the address,” Kevin hissed. “I’ll take care of him for you.”

“I know you would, Kev,” she laughed. “But I’m fine. I really don’t feel that bad anymore. Demetri was kinda toxic. I feel a lot more liberated now that he’s gone.”

“That’s good,” Melissa said. “I didn’t like him anyways.”

“I second that. He didn’t deserve you.”

“The next guy who wants to date you has to go through me first,” Kevin said, smacking his fist against his palm.

“I think we know who that is,” Melissa smirked and Callie’s smile got bigger.

“Is it him whose name shall never be mentioned?” I joked along.

“I kinda forgot his name, what was it again?” Melissa tapped her chin in pretend thought. “Drake?”

“I think it was “Damon,” Kevin quipped.

“Dalton maybe?” I grinned at Callie, who erupted in a burst of giggles.

“Daniel and I are just friends now,” she beamed.

“He is your soulmate,” Kevin smiled. “And I know his address.”

“Do not trouble him,” she warned Kevin who just replied, “No promises.”

“I can finally plan that triple date,” Melissa squealed.

“Hey, what about me?” Kevin pouted.

“You need a girlfriend/soulmate to qualify. Sorry you don’t qualify.”

“Hey, don’t forget someone has their eye on him,” Callie snorted as Nicole shamelessly sauntered over to us.

“Rejects,” she greeted us.

“Sorry I didn’t get that. I don’t speak bullsh*t, Thotiana,” Callie greeted her back.

She huffed and ignored us.

“Hey Kev,” she smiled, twirling her hair and leaning over to show her boobs.

Kevin rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to eat here.”

We groaned. Nicole was constantly trying to get with Kevin no matter how many times he rejected her advances. I mean he was the most popular guy along with Ashton. Everyone wanted to get with him, but he wasn’t interested in the desperate types.

“Why eat that when you can have me?” she asked, sitting in his lap.

She was bold today.

The cafeteria became super quiet as they looked from Kevin and Nicole to Ashton and then me. Our weird love triangle had somehow extended to Kevin and it was now a square. Or a rectangle… or a rhombus, or… well you get the point.

“Get off,” Kevin said calmly.

“I do. To you,” she whispered in his ears.

Callie gagged.

“Why don’t you go date one of the guys you’re sleeping with?”

“I only did it to hurt Ashton.” She shot Ashton a glare. “But I get the feeling he doesn’t care. If I do it with you on the other hand…”

“You think Ashton cares who I sleep with?” He scoffed and pushed her off him. “Anyways, no matter who it is, it’s not going to be you. Stop bothering me.”

Nicole chuckled hysterically and her icy blue eyes landed on me. “I really hope you suffer.”

“I have been since you came over here,” I informed her.

“I hate you.”

“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, so you can have it back.”

She curled her fingers into a ball and I was wondering if her long nails weren’t hurting her. She turned to Kevin with a devious smile. “I will have you.”

Kevin gave a long sigh as she walked off. “She won’t leave me alone no matter what I say to her.”

“Be harsher,” Callie suggested with a scheming grin.

“I have… but her skin is as thick as nails.” He glared over at Ashton, who laughed and turned back to one of the guys he was debating with about something.

“She put a jar of earthworms in my locker,” I sighed. “I had to take the poor things outside.”

“She followed me into the locker room last week. And before that, she came into the bathroom,” he sighed.

“You and Kevin have it bad,” Melissa laughed.

“So do I,” Callie groaned. “She’s in my Spanish class and everyday she finds a new curse word to tell me. Today it was-”

“Hold it right there,” I laughed, covering her mouth.

“Did she actually sleep with all of Ashton’s ‘friends’ though?” Melissa air-quoted friends.

“Not all of them… but most. They just think with their d*cks. They’re not really friends, though… just guys we talk to, to pass time. They’re on the football team too, so that’s how we know them.”

“Yeah,” Callie sighed. “I heard Alexis and Ramona talking in the bathroom and Ramona wanted a shot with Ashton. Alexis wanted this one right here.” She jammed her thumb at Kevin.

“So does every girl at school,” Melissa chuckled. “But they’re so fake though. Ashton is Nicole’s ex.”

“So I have to watch out for Alexis now too?” Kevin groaned.

“It’s your burden to bear,” I laughed. “Hurry up and find your soulmate.”

“Maybe I will at the party.” He shrugged.

“Party?” Callie asked excitedly.

“Nobles and their soulmates only, sorry,” he laughed and Callie pouted then grinned.

“That means I can go too.”

Kevin cocked his head. “I didn’t think about that.”

Melissa grinned. “So can I like sneak in or something?”

“Just pretend to be my soulmate,” Kevin joked.

“I wanna bring my boyfriend.” She pouted at him. “He still doesn’t know what you are yet.”

“We’ll tell him eventually,” Ashton said as he came over to us. Melissa smirked at me and then launched into details about our triple date at Creamy Dreams.

“But I won’t have Elizabeth alone,” he grumbled, looking at me.

“That’s the point. You’re either in or you’re in.”

“I guess I don’t have a choice.” He smirked dangerously at me.

“Kev, tell Daniel that he has to come,” she added.

“Tell him to come or I’ll send him to the hospital? Okay."

Callie sighed, but didn’t protest. “Okay, I’ll go… but only as his friend.”

We laughed and teased her as she blushed.

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Melissa's finally getting that triple date she's wanted! How do you think it will turn out?

Will Kevin ever find his soulmate?

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