Chapter 86

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Chapter 86 is dedicated to SarahAken2000

Thank you for your support ❤

I got into Kevin's car with a sigh.

"You okay?" he asked, looking over at me, his brows creased in concern.

"I miss Noah."

He glanced back at the campus. "But he's still here."

"I know."

I leaned my head against the cool window and watched as the scenery blurred by.

"Hey, cheer up," he reached over to ruffle my hair.

I pulled a book out of my bag and flipped it open. It was from my etiquette class, which was where Kevin was taking me right now.

My days were getting a lot busier and I couldn't wait for the weekend. After school, I had my college classes and then I had to go over to the palace for royalty training. After that me and Elena would have a study session later tonight.

I just had to endure it for a few more weeks. After that, the betrothal contract would be nullified and I'd finally get to meet my biological mother. Ashton didn't think his dad would let us off so easy, but he was the king. He had to stand by his word, right?

"How's Ashton?" I asked.

"He's still unconscious," Kevin replied. The worry for his best friend was visible in his eyes. "I thought he would have gotten up by now."

"Me too. His dad went too overboard this time," I scowled.

"I'll make sure he doesn't even breathe in your direction," Kevin said. "He'll do anything to get his way. We think he's planning something big."

"Like what?"

"I don't know," he shrugged and another frown was etched on his face. "Jackson's looking into it."

"You should be careful too," I sighed. "You guys are at risk by being around him so much. I don't want you to get hurt too."

I looked out the window, feeling a sudden wave of helplessness. Wasn't there anything I could do for them?

"As long as you're okay, then I'm okay," he smiled. "You already have a lot to think about. Don't worry about us."
"Straighten your spine, Elizabeth! Shoulders back! Keep your chin slightly lifted and your feet flat on the floor as you walk. One foot in front of the other, remember the invisible line."

"Yes Madame."

"Heel, toe, heel, toe... Don't stomp around. You are not King Kong. Step lightly. Keep that smile on!"

I wobbled a bit as I glided around the room under Madame Lucille's keen eye. She kept watch over my every movement, making sure that my walking mirrored that of the royals.

"Hands should be by your side, swinging gently," she said, pulling them away from my head where they kept drifting every time a book wobbled.

"But the books are about to fall," I protested.

"They won't fall if your posture is perfect. Get it right!"

I sighed, straightening my shoulders. My lessons in posture had been getting more advanced. I was now walking in heels with four books on my head. An apple was added on top of the books for extra difficulty.

"...King Joshua the third was succeeded by his first born, Prince Cole, who was succeeded by his first born, Prince Caden who will be succeeded by his second born, Prince Ashton." I wrapped up.

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