Chapter 97

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Chapter 97 is dedicated to nicoleshermann

Thank you for your support ❤

I heaved a sigh of relief as I filled out the last page on the very long form.

Stephanie and Olivia stifled chuckles at my eagerness to leave. It had been a long day at the palace. I was in the very private section of the royal family’s private hospital.

This week, the king had announced that I would have to complete some medical exams. Apparently the royal family had to do them, and suddenly I wasn’t an exception to that rule anymore.

So I’d spent the day being poked and prodded, measured and weighed, injected and x-rayed, swabbed and studied. The doctors bustled around all day taking all kinds of samples from me.

It was very overwhelming. Stephanie was assigned as my personal doctor and Olivia was her assistant. They tried their best to make me feel comfortable with everything going on around me.

I wanted to be a doctor, and as embarrassing as it was to admit, I was afraid of needles. I could handle them as long as they weren’t being used on me.

They ran full DNA tests, and I even had to do a pregnancy test. By the end of the morning, it felt as if every cell of my body had been probed and analyzed. They could probably clone me now if they wanted to.

Stephanie asked me a few more questions after that and then I was free to go.

“Freedom,” I breathed as the chauffeur dropped me of at the palace.

Well, it wasn’t really what I’d call freedom, but it was a step closer to getting home and I’d be able to see Ashton. I smiled at the thought.

Sure enough, Ashton was there to greet me when I arrived. All my exhaustion melted away as he came over to me.

“Hey, you,” I smiled.

“How was your morning?”

“About as fun as a medical exam can get. Do you guys really have to do all of that?”

He chuckled and led me away from the palace as we talked.

“I got used to it. We have to do it every three months.”

“Whaaat?” I groaned. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

“I wish. It used to be twice a year, but after they identified Cav’s condition the king’s been more extreme with the testing.”

“I see.”

He stopped walking as we came to a wide, open field. It spread out for acres, farther than I could see.

“I’ll show you something cool,” he said, motioning for me to follow him.

We came up to a large building that read, ‘The Royal Stables'.

He flashed me a grin and we went inside. It took a lot of turns and walking before we managed to even get close to where the horses were. They were kept under tight security, as was expected.

“Do you still want to ride a horse?” he queried as we walked through aisles of horses.

“When did I ever say wanted to?” I asked, jumping into him when one of the horses sneezed suddenly.

“A long time ago,” he chuckled. He stopped at the gate of a beautiful, large white horse. “This is Midnight.”

Midnight stared at me defiantly as if expecting an introduction.

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